NATIONAL BEN       FRANKLIN      FIRE INS. CO.               643
Salaries, $12,461.58, and expenses, $12,644.29, of special and general
agents ...........................................................      25,105
Salaries, fees and all other charges of officers, directors, trustees
and home office employes .........       ...............................
 66,12"5 59
Rtents for company's occupancy of its own buildings ...............     
Advertising, $1,021.13; printing and stationery, $6,712.42 ...... ......
 7,738 55
Postage, telegrams, telephone and express .........................     
 3,694 50
Legal expenses .       ....................................................
 566 06
Furniture and fixtures ..........      .................. .................
 661 :l7
Maps, including corrections .............        ....................   
  1,338 75
Underwriters' boards and tariff associations ........................   
 12,492 62
Fire department, fire patrol and salvage corps assessments, fees,
taxes and expenses ...........        ..................................
 11,508 2)
Inspections and surveys .,575 :i9
Repairs and expenses (other than taxes) on real estate ...................
 2,348 32
Taxes on real estate .................................... ...........   
   2,766 94
State taxes on premiums ...........................................     
 16,899 41
Insurance department licenses and fees                .        .        
  7,743 60
All other licenses, fees and taxes:
Federal corporation tax .........      .................  $1,667 84
Fire marshal taxes .............    ....................   1,263 78
Tax on capital stock ...........    ....................  4,486 79
Municipal taxes ...................      I                 2.843 33
_____-       10,261 74
Other disbursements:
Light, heat, ice and water (home office) ............     $1,160 80
Other miscellaneous home office expenses ..........          649 68
-_________  1,810 48
Paid stockholders for interest or dividends (amount declared dur-
ing the year) .........................................           .    160,000
Agents' balances charged off    ....................................... .
 2,355 44
Gross loss on sale or maturity of ledger assets:
Real estate .     .......................................  $5,061 S8
Bonds .    .............................................     150 00
Mortgage and interest ........       ....................  1,283 33
1;6.495 19
Total disbursements .$1, 578,283 5?.
Balance .....$3... $3.283.596 92
Book value of real estate ..............................   $ 148,844 79
Mortgage loans on real estate. first liens .       ............ 2,432,400
Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other
collateral ..........................................    100,600 (10
Book value of bonds, $81,893.75, and stocks, $7,260.00.    89,153 75
Cash in company's office ..............      $39.972 53
Deposits in trust companies and banks
on interest ...........   ...............  239,120 89
--      -   ~~279,0993 42
Agents' balances representing business written sub-
sequent to October 1, 1912 ...........................   228,195 37
Agents' balances representing business written prior
to October 1, 1912         .         ............. :6..    5,108 61
Other ledger assets: Deposit with Philadelphia Un-
derwriters' Assn          ..................                 200 00
Total ledger assets                      .$3,283,596 9)2
Interest due, $7,565.35, and accrued, $35,253.43    on
mortgages .......$ -42,81S 78
Interest accrued on bonds ...........................        1,108 33
Interest due, $300.00, and accrued, $246.44, on collat-
eral loans .   ..........................................    54 44
Rents dle .31.............................................     ..51)
To talI  ........................................................   44,8.05
Market value of r-eal estate over book value. .1........................
 1.905 21
Market value of bonds and stocks over book value ................       
  1,143 75
Gross assets ...................................                        
  93............. . 3,341,450 9):