TABLEI 111.-Assets-Decembtr 31st, 1912-

Name of Cjmpany.
State Assurance     .....................
Sun ...................................
Svea ..................................
Union .................................
Warsaw     ..............................
Western Assurance ...................
Yorkshire .............................
Total ...........................

1WokC value
of real

Mortgage     Collateral
loans.       loans.
(2)          (3)

..............i ..   ..........................
$178,175 (4      $25, 000 00
...   ....   .........   .........   ........  ..........
............... . ... ........ .... ....
................   ........ .......   .....
....... .. ....... ..... ........ ........
.... ....  ....... ..   .  .. . . . . . .
$7,547,,508 93  $3,810,364 CO0

..  . . . . . .
$100 CO

Book value
of, bonds.
$441,551 15
.  3,146,272 50
.  1,158 225 99
688,280 a0
848,222 47
. 1,631,238 57
624,450 00
$69,249,5.50 95

__ .......... . ,. .

Foreign Miiarine
British and Foreign .......$ ........... ................ .....85...........................
      $&6.259    5
Indemnity Mutual .......... ........ ................ ................ .....00...........
          345,300 0
Mannheim     .............................................................................
         6711,418 89
Marine .................................................................................
              798,881 65
Union Marine ........... .............7 ................................................
           571,9,56 9,7
Standard Marine ........... .......................... ................ ................
                    00638,6E8 00
Total ........................... ................ ................ ................
$3,862,475 36
Total for stock companies .... $24,714,511 67         $46,509,523 33    
$3,197,815 51    $288,937,700 03
Wisconsin Afutual
Germantown      Mutual ................        $11,118 00       $224,960
00   ................ ................
Hardware Dealers'              .          . ................      64,400
00   ................ ................
Herman     Farmers'            .          . ................      60,440,
0   ................ ................
Liqcior Dealers' ....................... ................ ................
................ ................
Motor Vehicle ....................................... ................ ................
West Bend Mutual ..............                   3,880 00        41,69500
    ..       ....... ................
Total .$14,998 CO(                                        $4CO,495 C0 ..
................ ................

*Llfeutual Companies

. .

American Mutual .              ........... ................ ................
Bloston    M nufacturers   ..............   ....   ..........  .................
Central Mainufacturers' ..............      $40,00)9 09      $2,875 00
E'nterprise Mutual ................... .........
Farmers' Mutual .....         ........        41,462 929      239,274 68
      $56,2   00
Firemen's Mutual ................................... ................ ................
Fitchburg Mutual ..................           60,(O0 (0         7,480 00
Indiana Lumbermen's ...............           29,500 00       130,850 00
Keystone Mutual .................... ................................ ................
Lumber Mutual ...................................... ................ ................

$67,416 35
2,649 ,698 10
308,400 00
59 416 35
222,012 90
669,222 5o
106,797 85
15 0. 000
317,888 (13
634,230 07