TABLE III.-Assets-Deceneber 301t, 1919.-

Book value
Name of Compeanly.              of real       Mort-age
,Nestate. ,    loans.
(l)           (2)
Concordia          .          ........ ................  $972,000 OC
Milwaukee German         .         ................    207,250 0C
Milwaukee Mechanics .....       ...     $52,825 00   1,799,800 0C
Northwestern National ......     ..     176,050 23   1,259,300 0(
United American         .         .... ................  235,850 (0

Collateral      Book value
loans.         of bonds.
(3)              (4')
...............      $1,035,244 08
03................    .5,85 0  W0
04............... ,729,97  75
................   .....4,729,972  75
................   ...... ............

Total .......       .        .   $228,875 23  $4,474,200100  ................
.$7,705,026 83

Stock Fire Companies



Aetna ..                                 ....
Agricultural ..........................
American Central..
American Druggists..
American Fire...
American Union.
Boston .
Buff alo Commercial.
Buffalo German.
Calumet .
Camden .
Central National ..............           .
Cli Lizens ..............................
City   of New     York...................
Colonial Assurance ..................
Columbia .............................
Commerce ............................
Commercial Union ...................
Commonwealth         .....................
Connecticut     .........................
Continental .....................
County     ...............................
Detroit F. &     M.......................
Dubuque F. &       M.....................
Equitable F. &      M....................
Federal ...............................
Federal Union ........................
Flidelity-Phenix     ......................
Fire Association      .....................
Fireman's Fund ......................
Firemen's     ............................
Franklin ..............................
German Alliance .....................
German American, 'N. Y..............
German     American, Pa ...............
German Fire, Ill......................
German     Fire, Pa.....................
German Fire, W. Va..................

$592,207 93   ................
35,927 93     $745,482 00
95,W 1 63      890,750 00
................  .  .. 3-5,638  61
.............   .......  .....  ...........
468,00 00      1,717,740 75
24,"   00       83,630 00
294,010 00      483,800 00
.........  157,010 00
320,00 00        426,300 00
100,000 0O      346,000 00
.............  18,03o 00
86,932 90       741,400 00
10( 00        86,910 00
............ ..  ;.  97,200  O0

$100,0   O0
132,600 00
28,0,) 00
297,885 62
27,600 00
10, 500 0
47,0(0 00
96,2-50 00

246,000 0W

I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I

................   ...  ............... ... ...............
................   ................   ........ ............
75,000 00      31,WO( 00  ................
................   .......  .......... ....  ,..............

$13,576,347 24
1,803,280 25
3Y2,842 50
3,30,3,498 11
300,848 73
4,310,500 00
464,063 17
929,101 00
407,463 70
1,526,788 94
432,618 00
557,431 25
1,300, 150 51
439,657 64
569, 668 75
526,471 25
350,860 00
883,660 42
3857,972 00
796,150 79
1,231,365 71
5,397,595 62
6,074,950 C0
571, 266 98
985,283 20
183,306 25
453,750 00
2,259,167 56
2,3,13 00
4,709,495 56
4,828,717 17
1,111,773 33
2,746, 573 61
693,546 86
9,216,426 01
25,117 50
13,100 00
20,260 14
428,500 00

189,200 09
1,175,000 00
55,057 18
248,254 37
2,900 00
101,180 00
572,500 00
767,484 21
473,442 30
1036,526 26
146,444 53
2,675,166 73
33,874 83
250,000 00
13-5,838 59
63,635 70

309,000 00
1,014, 5850 00
2,700 00
178,100 00
754,618 17
965,245 09
122,550 00
30,OO 00
69,500 00
29,500 00
1,987,931 66
1,004,083 33
2,626,150 00
36,535 00
55,{W 00
108,80 00
546,275 (}
210,271 00
552,173 24
72,075 00

54,000* 00
5.  '00 0
3,700 00
18,000 00
17,200 00
193,951 12
430,850 00'
20,300 00
78,500 W'
28,340 00