Returned on cancellations .... ..........    134 00

Total premiums and assessments, less de-
ductions ...........................
Cash received as borrowed money (date
borrowed, April 27, 1912) ............
Cash received from other sources:
From   rent ........................
From return commission on cancelled
policies ............................

$9,264 18
1,800 00
15 00

33 15.

Total income during year .......................      11,112 32
Total assets of previous year and income ........    $11,924 25


Paid for losses, including $2,809.95 for
losses occurring in previous years.....
Paid for fire department taxes..........
Paid for fire marshal taxes..............
Borrowed money .......................
Interest on borrowed money............
Salaries, fees, paid officials..............
Commissions ...........................
Paid for collection of assessments-print-
ing, postage, collection fees...........
Portage, printing and stationery.........
Express, telegraph, telephone and ex-
change .. ' ...........................
All other disbursements: Rent, $78.00;
electric light. $9.39; sign, $1.00........
Adj. losses $43.67, trav. exp. $14.60, exam.
of acets. and books by Ins. Dept.
$15.35 ................................
Safe, $150.00, Dun's Agey. reports, $50.00
legal expenses $163.31 -................

$6,532 96
100 12
44 63
1,700 00
62 87
751 87
1,012 53
169 97
98 21
34 80
88 39

73 62
363 31

Total  disbursements  ............................      11,133  28
Balance     .................................      $790 97

Cash deposited in German Nat'l Bank
of Beaver Dairm......................
Agents' balances representing business
written prior to Oct. 1, 1912.........
Agents' balances representing business
written subsequent to Oct. 1, 1912..-

$334 29
386 45
70 23

$790 97

Total ledger assets .............................