Broehm 19 
comedy not only aided national morale, but it often explained governmental
goals in 
understandable and succinct terms.,67 
Juvenile listeners were implored by these shows to fight the enemy by collecting

scrap metal, used fats, tin, rubber, and newspapers. There was also an encouragement
buy war Bonds, and plant Victory gardens. 
"V FOR VICTORY" became the motto of everyone in America. Throughout

Manitowoc there were Victory banners and a huge "V" was displayed
on the Aluminum 
Goods Building.68 When young Americans purchased war bonds or participated
in the 
salvage drives, their intent was not to curb inflation. Americans bought
war bonds to 
"help a member of the family in the armed serves and to preserve the
American way of 
The principal scrap materials collected were: rubber, rags, fats and greases,
and scrap iron and steel. The Wisconsin Salvage Committee of the War Production

Board constantly reminded the youth how important the scrap drives were.
For example 
the collection of a pair of roller skates, two door hinges, one door lock,
one old spade, 
one trash burner and one trash basket could supple metal for one 30 caliber
machine gun. 
Ten pounds of window weight could supply iron for a 3-inch 75 mm shell.70
67 MacDonald, 109. 
69 Marge Miley, interview by Steve Kolnan, 45. 
69 Blum, 20. 
70 Salage [1941-1942] in Wisconsin State Council of Defense, Box 7, Folder
3, University of 
Wisconsin-Green Bay Area Research Center, 141, 225.