Broehm 27 
training between the ages of 16 and 18 is of paramount importance."
104 As a result, the 
High School Victory Corp was established in August 1942. 
The High School Victory Corp was a national volunteer organization designed
mobilize high-school youth. Its sponsor was the United States Office of Education

working in conjunction with the Departments of War, Navy, and Civil Aeronautics.

Henry L. Stinson, Secretary of War, explains that the Victory Corp emphasizes
of fundamental subjects-physical training, special studies, and other activities
that can 
properly be a part of any school's program--will enable the boys and girls
to serve more 
usefully after graduation, both in the war effort directly and indirectly
in other related 
Manitowoc Lincoln High School was active in the Victory Corp. Physical 
education classes now met four times a week and focused on formal calisthenics
body-building exercises. Boys were encouraged to take physics. Pre-flight
classes for 
pre-induction students were very popular. A number of high school girls attended
classes at the Vocational school to prepare for war industry jobs. Marge
recalls, "When I 
was a senior, a bunch of us took a course at night over at the vocational
school. We were 
going to be inspectors in a defense plant... two of the girls did become
inspectors... I 
went to work for the newspaper."'106 
104 U.S., Congress, Senate, A Bill To Provide for the Preparation of High-School
Students for 
Wartime Service, S. 875, 78th Cong., 1st sess., 1943, 7. 
105 U.S. Department of Defense, High-School Victory Corps (Washington D.C.:
Printing Office, 1943. 
1o6 Marge Miley, interview by Steve Kolman, 11.