Co., Minneapolis MN to build an iron bridge
with stone pieces for the sum of $1,259.00
across Black Creek on the section line between
Section 2 and 3.
1893   The overseers of Highway shall receive cash
for overwork in their respective road dis-
trict after the regular Road tax is worked off
but not to exceed $5.00 in anyone Road
1894   The chairman and supervisors shall receive
$1.50 per day for the ensuing year for actual
work in said town as Town Board.
1895   $300.00 to be raised for the purpose of sur-
veying the whole town, and the balance for
the surveying to be paid out of general fund
now on hand. Long square stones to be set on
section corner and 1/2 section and in center
section. The town board to hire the help to
survey the town with the approval of the
county surveyers. The men shall not receive
more than $1.00 per day. One of the Town
Board to assist the surveyor and shall receive
$1.50 per day.
1896   143 men voted at the annual meeting in April.
Women were not allowed to vote.
1897   The town shall furnish 2" hemlock planks
and spikes for a sidewalk from A. Schwager
corner running south up to Chesak's Ware-
house, the work shall be done by the Road
District. Town purchased a town safe for
treasurer for $75.00. Chairman was given a
salary of $70.00 a year and Supervisors
1898   Town Board was authorized by the voters to
raise money to build a bridge on Range line
between range 4 and 5.
1899   The first log German Church was built.
1900   Poll workers received $2.00 per election.
Expenses for the year consisted of building
roads and several bridges.


Cherry Grove Creamery built.
Six more roads were built and several bridges.
Holy Family Parish Frame School built.
Every resident shall have the right to act as a
poundmaster and use his own yard as a
pound. Fifty cents per head must be paid by
resident to retrieve impounded animal.

1905  John Cier who has a dance hall in connection
with his Saloon agreed he will not have more
than six dances during the year for which his
license was issued.
1906  Marathon   County   Farmers Creamery
1907  The rate on county, state and town taxes was
fixed at $1.18 per $100.00 valuation.

1908  School District No. 4 - Silver Arrow School
1909  There was a motion to build a Town Hall in
village of Poniatowski, but this did not
1910  A sidewalk was built from the Polish church
running north to first corner, thence east up to
German church, said sidewalk to be built rock
elm  planks, four feet wide. The present
brick-veneer parochial school built.
1911  It was noted that Pathmasters shall look after
the culvert and throw out all unnecessary
1912  Cheese making was started in the factories.
The Frank Stencil road petition shall be
adopted that a highway shall be laid out and
cut out commencing at the corner sec. 21-22-
27 and 28 running land one half miles west
and $75.00 has been raised for road.
1913  The General Town meeting was held at the
School House of Dist. No. 3. Matysik Cheese
factory built.
1914  Moved that the John Myszka road petition
signed by 14 freeholders of same town was
excepted and that $150.00 be raised for this.
1915  A letter was received by town board from a
Mr. Riley (lawyer) inquiring if the town be
willing to repair damages done on the buggy
and harness on one of Town of Rietbrock's
highways. Not allowed. Tuition paid the
Athens High School $18.00 for 1914. Tuition
paid the Edgar High School $36.00.
1916  Petition to make a passable highway running 2
miles west of "Schnappsville" to school house
of Dist. No. 4 signed by 16 freeholders of same
town duly voted and decided to be made and
turnpiked on one side.


Present Holy Family Rectory built.
Moved that the town board should investigate
gravel pits and buy some if possible. Heiers-
ville Cheese Factory built.

1919- During the years of national prohibition,
1932   people who wanted to purchase liquor in the
Town of Rietbrock found that it could be
acquired quite easily. Originally it was manu-
factured for medicinal purposes but it turned
out to be a cure all for many people. Every
bottle had a label stating it was to be used
for medicinal purposes only.
1920   A tractor purchased from the Case Threshing
Co., a 22-40 horse power for $2,826.20.
Mike Teresinski hired to operate tractor at
$4.50 per day. Saloon keepers had to pay
$50.00 for liquor license.
1921   Years wages for assessor $100.00 and clerks
salary was $150.00.