25, 26, El/2 or 27, Sec. 33, 34, 35 and 36. All
the inhabitants liable to work on highways re-
siding in said district are hereby assigned to
said road district number six (6).
The names of the School District have been changed
by the following order, to wit.
County of Marathon
Town of Rietbrock  s
It is hereby ordered and determined that the W l/2
of Section 2 and Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and the
Wl/2 of Sec. 11, the Nl/2 of Sec. 15, Sections
16, 17 and 18, known as School district No. 6 in the
Town of Rib Falls, shall now be known as School
district No. 2 in the Town of Rietbrock, and Sections
13, 14 and the S1/2 of Sec. 15, Sections 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35
and 36, known as School district No. 5 in the
Town of Rib Falls, shall now be known as School
district No. 1 in the Town of Rietbrock. The Board
next proceeded to make out the Road Warrants, a
copy of which is on separate paper to be filed in the
Town Clerk's Office.
The Board then adjourned sine die.
Supervisors,                J. Myszka
Peter Teusz               A. Jozwiak
As the former Road districts have been changed and
two new ones formed, it was necessary to appoint
two path masters more in addition to the four elected
at the annual Town meeting. The following persons
are also path masters of the respective road districts.
Michael Lemanski, Road district No. 1.
Andrew Jozwiak, Road district No. 2.
John Bloczynski, Road district No. 3,
Jacob Murkowski, Road district No. 4,
Jacob Myszka, Road district No. 5,
Peter Teusz, Road district No. 6.
Proceedings of a Town meeting held on the 3rd day
of May A.D. 1880 for the purpose of granting Town
license to Frank Jermann and dividing the work to be
done in the several road districts.
All members present. Frank Jermann appeared
personally and applied for Town license to keep a
saloon, and it appearing to the Town board that
there is no reason for refusing to grant the same, the
following order was caused to be made out to wit.
County of Marathon ss
Town of Rietbrock
Whereas Frank Jermann of said Town, has applied
to the undersigned, town board of said Town of
Rietbrock, for license to keep a saloon on the
following descended premises, within said town to wit.
On the NE comer of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Sec.
14T. 29-R4 East, for the sale, in quantities less than
one gallon, of strong, spirituous, malt or intoxicating
liquors, to be drank on the premises or not to be
drank on the premises.
It is therefore ordered, that to the said applicant

the license applied for by him be granted, upon his
duly executing and filing the bond required by law,
and upon his paying for such license the sum of
Twenty Two Dollars to the Town Treasurer of said
Town and that the Town Clerk detest and deliver
such license to each applicant therefore, upon his
producing to said clerk a receipt, showing, the pay-
ment to the Town Treasurer of the sum hereby
required by him and upon his filing with said clerk
the bond aforesaid.
The Town Board then divided the work on the roads
among the several Road districts by the following
order, to wit.
County of Marathon
Town of Rietbrock  s
We, the supervisors of said town, do hereby order
that the overseer of highways in Road district between
Sections 12 and 13, and that the overseer of highways
in Road Dist. No. 3 shall do all work on the East half
mile between Sec. 11 and 14, and that the overseer
of highways in Road district No. 2 shall do all work
on the East line of his district between Sec. 9 and 10,
and on the South line of said district between Sec. 7
and 18 and the West 3/4 mile between Sec. 8 and 17,
and that the overseer of highways in Road Dist.
No. 4, shall do all work on the North line of his
district the East 1/4 mile between Sec. 8 and 17 and 1
mile between Sec. 9 and 16 and on the South 1/2
mile between Sec. 14 and 15 and that overseer of
highways in Road Dist. No. 3, shall do all work on
the N1/2 mile between Sec. 14 and 15, and that
overseer of highways in Road Dist. No. 5 shall do all
work between Sec. 23 and 26, on the South 1/2
mile between Sec. 27 and 28 and the East 1/4 mile
between Sec. 28 and 33, and that overseer of highways
on Road dist. No. 6 shall do all work on the W3/4 mile
between Sec. 28 and 33 and on the I mile between
Sec. 24 and 25.
Given under our hands this 3rd day of May A.D. 1880.
The Board then adjourned sine die.

Peter Teusz

J. Myszka
A. Jozwiak

At a meeting of the Boards of the Towns of Rib
Falls and Rietbrock held on the 7th day of June
A.D. 1880 at Rib Falls, in regard to settlement
between said Towns it was agreed, that the roads on
the Range line between Ranges 5 and 4 being also
the Townline between said Towns shall be worked and
kept in repair as follows, to wit. The first one half
mile running South from the Townline between
Towns 29 and 28. And it is hereby agreed, that in
case there should be ever necessary to build a bridge
across the Black Creek on said Range line between
Ranges 5 and 4 the respective Town of Rietbrock
and Rib Falls each shall pay the half of what it will
cost. One motion meeting adjourned sine die.
Supervisor of the     Supervisors of the
Town of Rib Falls     Town of Rietbrock
C. Hanke              P. Teusz
A. Heise              Jacob Myszka
Win. Harder           A. Jozwiak