The business has done really well in the last
twenty-two and one-half years. Nicholas tries to keep
the machinery in good running condition and to
satisfy his customers.
Ervin Karlen,
Born and raised in the town of Rietbrock, Ervin
is well known in the surrounding area for his
efficient management procedures in his profession.
He, with a small crew, has built countless sheds,
barns and a number of new houses in the past 19
years that he has operated his own business. His son,
Patrick is at present working with him.
jf a. 6'.Slecker A Jc.
DROUTE 6,. SOX 39A EooA,. WlSCOo~,N 54426 * 715.-257.7666
The company of S.D. Ellenbecker Inc. Route 1,
Box 39A, Edgar, Wisconsin is located about one city
block east of the intersection of Highways 29 and 97.
Sylvester D. Ellenbecker, President of the company,
started his block-laying business in 1968, under the
name of Ellenbecker Construction. The business
incorporated in 1972 and changed its name to S.D.
Ellenbecker Inc. "We now do all types of industrial
and commercial work and have an average of 20 to
25 employees," said Sylvester D., as he told of the
activities of his corporation.
Frank Omelian & Sons
Sales & Service
The Omelians say that what started out in 1968 as a
"hobby affair" has today grown beyond their ex-
pectations. Doing their overhauling and repairing of
tractors lead to doing custom work for people.
Now they also do buying and selling of tractors and
machinery for customers.
Bob's Welding &
Bob and Janice Scheelk moved to the Town of
Rietbrock on the corner at Highway 97 and 29 in
1967, and started a small welding shop. They pre-
sently do tractor overhauls, make snow buckets,
repair farm equipment, and do all kinds of welding
jobs (etc). He also does bulldozing, farm ponds,
clearing, manure pits, stumping, etc.

Country Ceramics

Country Ceramics Building

Country Ceramics was officially started in October,
1976, by Beverly Stencil and Gayle Mauer, co-owners
at Route 2, Edgar, Wisconsin. After attending
classes, seminars, making up and selling many
finished pieces of ceramics. Gayle and Beverly decided
to form a partnership. They opened a small shop in
Beverly's home, where they had classes teaching
others to do what they themselves enjoyed doing-
plus finishing gifts for other people. The manufactur-
ing of greenware was done at Gayle Mauer's house.
Today they are located in a newly-constructed
3600 square foot building, designed for all their
needs. They now pour about 1500 molds, do the
firings, and supply everything that goes with ceramics,
including kilns. They have people coming to their
shop from all over Wisconsin, as well as from other
neighboring states. They have found that it was a very
enjoyable hobby that turned into a full time business.
It keeps the two of them very busy - keeping the
shop stocked, teaching classes, waiting on people
and answering questions daily.
Snack Shack
"All the way to Wausau for a hamburger and a soft
serve ice cream cone?" This is the question that
probably started the thinking and eventual building
of what is now the Snack Shack on the Edgar
comer, Jct. H and Hwy. 29, owned and operated by
Len and Shirley Lechlietner.
The Snack Shack was opened on Sept. 12, 1975,
specializing in fast food service, and featuring soft
serve ice cream cones, shakes and sundaes, hambur-
gers, fries, chicken and plate lunches. Beginning in
1977, daily specials were offered with homemade pie
and rolls. Fish fries were served every Friday from
11 A.M. until 10 P.M.
It has become well known to area residents and to
the many truckers who enjoy the large parking area.
Rietbrock Ready Mix
Rietbrock Ready Mix was the name chosen for the
ready-mix business because of its location in this