To Frank and Sally Wisnewski were bom the follow-
ing children: Robert, who died in infancy; Mary Kay,
deceased who died at the age of 23; and Ralph.
Hart Farm
Albert Hart and wife Agnes came to this country in
1870, settling in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Not finding
Milwaukee to their liking, they decided to come to
the timberland area in March of 1878-settling on SE
Y4 of NW Y4 of Section 4, Township 29, N- Range 4-E,
According to Deed Book 31, page 151, records, D. H.
Johnson, his wife Eleta A. Johnson, and Fred Riet-
brock and his wife Helen deeded to Albert Hart on
October 27, 1881. (Recorded June 9, 1882).
Children of the Hart family were Leon, Joseph,
Leokadia (Mrs. John Murkowski) and Stanley.
Mrs. Thomas (Helen Murkowski) Myszka, 83 years
old and a granddaughter of Albert and Agnes, recalls
many interesting events and highlights about the
family as related to her by her mother. When her
mother was fourteen years old, in 1878, The Hart
family came to the Town of Rietbrock.
To clear land, they had to first cut down the trees,
roll them onto a pile, and burn them. They they felled
more trees and built a log house, putting moss on top
of the roof for warmth. Between the stumps, they
hoed the ground and planted potatoes. After a few
years, the Harts had enough logs to build a barn. Even
the pine shingles were made from their own sawed
logs. Finally they bought a cow and were able to sell
the milk. Meanwhile, they existed as best they could on
potatoes, rutabagas, pumpkin, beans, and whatever
vegetables they could raise in their "stump garden".
When they had an acre of land cleared 6f stumps,
they seeded rye, cut it, stacked the bundles, and put
moss on top to protect the grain from moisture.
They had to wait until winter to flail the grain. When
winter came they poured water on a stretch of ground
to make a smooth threshing floor of ice. When a
windy day came, the chaff was separated from the
grain. A hollow log was shaped into a cone and
lined with small smooth stones. Then a stone was
found to serve as a plunger pushing the grain down.
Here the grain was flattened and ground while this
stone was being turned. This grain was then sifted
and used as flour for pancakes.
Later, as they produced more rye grain then they
could use, they took the rye to Wausau. Usually
four or five people walked together. As they walked by
foot and had no roads, they marked trees as they went
along, so that they could find their way back home.
They would carry the sacks of flour and other pro-
visions on their backs-usually as much as they could.
On the way back home, the Harts would often stop
at the Village of Poniatowski to see John and
Victoria Blocynski. Here they were always given some-
thing to drink or eat.

Hart's sone Joseph married Mary Stroika. Children
from this union were: John, George (who died in
service), Mary (Mrs. Joseph Mroczenski) and Barbara
(Mrs. Max Switlick). It was John who married Louise
Mroczenski and inherited the homestead.
John and Louise had eleven children, namely:
Joseph, Sister Mary, John, Anna (Kwiecinski), Agnes
(Hoth), Frances (Albrecht), Edmund, Gregory, Sophia
(Braun), Raymond, and Rosemary.
In the fall of 1952 John passed away, leaving his
interests to his wife Louise. Louise Hart died on
February 17, 1979, at the age of 83. Gregory and
Raymond managed the farm for many years. When,
on August 2, 1967, Gregory married Patricia Buckett,
Raymond went to Illinois. Since 1967 Gregory, Pat,
and their two children-Lori and David-have been
farming the Hart Farm.
Schaetzl Family

Matthew and Ursula Schaetzl came to this country
in 1878, with their only child Matthew, then 12 years
old. They settled on the P. Hedruk farm now owned
by Raymond Reuter. Later they moved to Rib Falls,
then settled on a tract of land in Section 15, in the
Town of Rietbrock. They cleared land so that they
could put up their house and barn and zrow food to