Saw Mill
In 1880 Rietbrock built a saw mill and planing
mill, and also erected three dams on Black Creek,
which was a respectable stream in those days, by

Finishing cutting a tree. Pictured are John, Joe, Peter Nowicki and Joe


The Rietbrock Mill

Breaking off camps, L-R John Nowicki, unknown, unknown, John Kroll.

John Nowicki & Lillian (Kroll) Rauen, the cook talking things over.

Now. 15, 1910. After the steam boiler ex
one half mile north of Poniatowski. Cooies 91'

means of which they were able to float logs down to
the mill with the spring freshets and raft their lumber
down from the mill to the Rib River and on to the
Wisconsin and Mississippi which formed the route
to the market at St. Louis.
The same year a railroad had also been built as far
north as Wausau, but that was 28 miles distant.
Rietbrock wanted a shorter route for his timber and
lumber holdings. He applied to the North Central
(later the S00) Railroad, which ran up through Marsh-