
Tlll' CITY   )(')TTERY, TRENTON, N. J.
Ilessrs. R  lhodes & Yates, of the Citv I otterx, Trenton,
were the 6rst in that place to mnanu factilre white grallite aind
creali-culored wares xcwilsivelv. T.he bega  in 1839 mn
the site of the old I latterslev IPotter, an id in t86o received a
medal from the Xew Jlarsec State Agricultural Societv for
lie best white                     teranite ware. lI 1865 the stle became Yates
& TituS. Thcy were Stceede    ill 1871 bv Mlessrs. Yates,
Ienllett & Allan. In the latter \car the lnglish iark was
used in connlectioni with tlheir initials, Y. H. A. In 1875, when
the City I 'otterv Co. was incorporated, the samei mark, with
the letters C. I). . was emloel. In 1876 a new mark was
introdlcel, a shield, hearing, the same letters. In that year
the eompany exhibited table and toilet wares at the Centennial
Expositioni. The pottery Coltillled in operation for several
.ears after that (ate.
GRI'1NW()( )DM P( )TTERlix, TRENT( )N, N. 1.
Alessrs. Stephens. Talws & Co. established a 1potterv in
Trentoni in 1861 . In 1868 tle- organized the Greeiwood
I'tterx C. From the latter late until t 187 the Arms of the
State of Ne  I lrsex were isel as a iark for ironstole china
or white .ranitc. In the last-nallied vear they added the
legend which appears on the subjoinied mlilark. The patent
Xxas on1 a scalioped dish which was prodliced at that time.
The initials of the compani w\(erc stalilped in the bodv of
the first table poreelaiii made at this factory about the same
p1ri od.
In 1886 the liait (CrcenwoOml (ilin' was ilprcsscd iln
die bodv of table and toilet wares.
From 1883 to 1886 the mark usci on art wares was su'-
gcsted biv the Ronal Wmrcester mark. The figures ini tlhe
centre (61) have reference to the (late of the establishment
of the factorv. This mark was printed inl purple on the ware,
which had an ivory fiiisli and raised gold dceoratilols.