For abont twenty years no other marks appear to have
been empled. In 1875 the Ihtenix mark was used on
wlite granite ware.                                          c'
In 188o. a seven-pointed star, enclosing the initials of   SToNEcxNA
the manufacturer, was adopted for stone china.
In 1884, the mnrk for crealm-cIlored warc was a glbe in
acircle, surrounilde'd  he\  th,,, d it\m xw .-                a
In 1884 and 1885. mpnright and paent marks \er usud
on I arian plaques, with relief designs of heads of cattle and
other specialties. modeled by Mr. James IPriestman. These
were amon the best things of the kind that had been pro-
dnced down to that tilie, and were mnodeled frm 111l ]ifc.
SEPT. 3, 1884,  IIAY 5  885,    MAY 12, 1885        y     )
OPYR\C-G         TE              0E
In 1886, the owl mark was used on "Ivorv" chamber sets
and jugs. It the saitne year the mark for stone china con-
sisted of a design of to ) deers stpporting a shield. Mx r.
1lcnnett had heem importuned b the trade to adopt the Eng-
lilh imark, which he refised to do, bit compromised by using
this device. which is, in reality, thouigh perhaps not intended
to be, a modiihcation of the Arms of the State of Michigan.
An additional mark for stoInc china or white granite ware
was Used t) omCe extent in 0886. This was a square elclos-
ing a circle inscribed "\arranted Stone China.-
It 890, when the E dwint lI ennett Potterv Co. was organ-
ized, the mark adopted was a globe, pierced through the
United States by a sword, o1 the gnard of which the initials
of the cmpany appear. The natto wlich forms a pimt of
the mark is "Dona Fama est llelior Zona Atrea.   This