SItr, 64, 6,  67, 69,  11, 113,  128,  145
0inr E n ntic Tile  ., 31
Sl;ilr Puirclai i Co., 67
stephens.  Tanls & (Co., .46
Stb111(vill  Potter(   ('(),  120
Stocton \rt Pottery Co., 164
Stockton Trra-Cotta Co., 16
St llt, H1 irich ,  4
Stn  ae  alt (Hazed, 6o, 70, 73, 74, 75,
I5 (((1 4(1, 1 ,3t
Stoer1 Mlri  N    Lon1 wort, 6120
Sill,  I3, Q   X
Swor)ld, 53,  146, 152
T.         t ,7, 1
tJ. S. & Co.,
Ta  i c  I    1aac,  13
Ta ., ,J1aW 1111, i3
Taller Dicorating 0o., 70
TviNI & Speeler. 66
Tlr, Cl. John N.,  oN
Ta ]ylor,  Le  &  Sm1ithl  ( ).,  i16
T:Ior, Sinlithl &  Taylor  Co., 1 16
T  tllr,  \ illiam  W .3,6
T.  11. &1 Co.,  ,  8
ITwo    \\ ar 4 , 162
TepetB lioknlianni & Samlpsonl Pot-
ter3  Co., 1 8
Thitm5a China      6, 8
TIhompson, C. C. & 0o., n
Thmalpson, C. C. Pottery Co., 110
Thmiipson, (Irllat, 1 4
Thompson,  ill1  , T 6 i
Th om 1psonI, 1.  1 2.. ; u
illopson, Jo( hl  ., 149
TI ir opp, Samuel E., 66
Tier's 3iend, X6
T. N1. &   S., 4    1
Teby% Jug,'s, 32, 94
TIorch1, 5,
T.  1.  Co., .96,  64, 65
T. I). \W., 66
Trenit Tile Co., 56
Treniton China Co., 68
Trenton Potteries, Co., 64, 65
Tr, nt on Potterv, 66
Trention Pwllery Co., s6
Tren("n P(Ottry \\Yorks, 66
Troxcl., Samu1el1, 12
T. S. T., 1ii6
Tucker & 11emphill, 16, iS, ig, 2o
Tuicker & 1hulme, 17
Tucker, W\illiam Ellis, 16, 18, I9, 22
Tulip Ware of the      nsyvi-Gr
mian Potters, 12a  oc
Tunnl-icliife, Georg14e,7)
Tunilstall, Johnl, 148
T. \ ., 16
"'lluradal,"  131
Turtle. 125
Tuxedo1 PotteryV CO., 31
VUnion Porcelain \\rks, 8", SI
Unlionl Potteries Co., r15

t   I'.  \.,  So
. S.  Al  C.,  5r
t     4.  I   ltt y  Co.,  9.4,  95,  113,  1 15,  128,
S't ica I otte, 75
1  10p4(1ill,  131
1  q. i,  83
& I      ,
\an  lriggle, Artus, i(6, l67
\ aln Irige Pottely Co., 166
\ace Fai(Ice Co.. 152
N;s".  33.  31,  41,  54,  117
N ick ,  J   1 ,  I  16
oil T1m1 N  is  , 16
i ialn ,  S
Iodi IIttery Co.,  06
\  d  i   1 rN    106, 147
I-lma  &          83yS
N (lknimr Kemmilic Co., 8-,
Le-11, 37
YuknrPOttery,  2
\W., l6, 17. 98
\(.&  .  n ,  1 13
X   c N   i 131
alkrl im, \to Crai ig, 17, 20
\  illalt &  Ch1et11tivtl  PIO Itey  (1.,  113,
XXntI(111      i
\XnIuop    Pottery Co., 9( , 17
anick ( hina Co., 152
I  I.  CO.,  117
.   I!.  .  &4 Co.,  107
CO. 3t5i 111 t    I
Xtilr, Ihraha(m1, 14
\Xlltr, S. .. 13t
\X tl(l   11 C n  o.,  127
I'll  Ell   POttel CO , l17
\  11cthe , Jol  Price,  e ,
X  (lI  l,..ines, (16
\ heel,  1   N65
\ heeling Plotteries Co., i5.
X helil PIOtey Co., 149
NX hit'i Piter, 75
ick   I  C 0 ., 35
Sillets Nlnufacturlinl CO., 45
\ingenlidr, Charles & 1 ro., 69, 70
Hoodl & lIarlow. 63
Noodard & odrey, o6
Woodw ard, P1akeley & Co., io6
Nodward, Irof. Ellsworth, 156
W. (i. . Co., 128
W\reath, 5,, 62, 67,  107, 112,  1t5,  127,  1301,
Wv. Y. Si'., 44
Yaktes &K Titus.- 46
.ae,  1n1 t   Allan1, 46
Yel1111\l  W are, 11t  28, 4 1,  4 2,  5j8,  Iro
VYoung1, \ill & Sons, 44, 45