Special marks were also used for other branches of the
(overnient service, such as the Navy and the Medical Board.
)ther marks were placed on special orders of dealers in
various parts of the country, of which the following are a
I c\\
Y PT 8&%,,
4    c       G. H. Kittredge. EOWARD RORKE & CO.

()TT & I'll\\   R. TEN   T [ ()N( I . T.
The Etruria Pottery dates back to 1863, in which year it
was built bh\ Messrs. Bloor, ( )tt & Iooth. John Htart Brewer
entered the firm in 863, and the style soon after become Ott
& 11rewer.
The inarks for white grainte were variations of the British
('(at of Arms.

()payte china table wares were marked with a M\flaltese
C'ross surrounded bY a ribbon, aind occasionally with a circular
rising sun (evice coitainiing the firm name.
A common mark )n table ware consisted of the initials of
the tirml name over the word "(mia."
The mounogram  )f tile firm in a circle was placed on a fine
I adc of china.

N, J.



,  \'UF?14