'TFil  MARYLA'I) l'()TTER LV    ()., lMDI 111()RI, All).
The Marland Quncciisware F-actory \Iwas erected in 1879
b) v Messrs. i laul   illock. Thev were succeeded in i 88o
1  liaiill, l miin & Co. The MIar , ld PotterY Co. was
incorporated in 1888. since which date tle plant has been
considerablv altered and enlarged. Folkowing are the marks
of the different owners of the works: ()n white granite
chinia made for Alessrs. 1). 1,. Ila\nts & Co., of lialtimore.
their selling agcnts and wholesale dealers in crocker, 'glass,
etc. (afterwards proprietors of the Chesapeake l'otterv). a
circular garter vitli cagle in ccntre, used from 1879 to 1881.
I)uring tihe same period ain elliptical mark with crown in
centre -as used oin C. C. warc furnishedto tle sanic firm.
()n a general lIinc of white granite ware, from about 188
to 1883, a circular eagle mark was used.

EIn n188o to 1892 tile crownvu mark was place( on their
C. C. xvanc.
The "Creniorne" mark was used on "()paoue Porcelain"
from about 1881 to 1885.
)n white granite or ironstoic china, between '883 and
1891, the mark was the great Seal of the State of Marylaild.
()ii the saine ware, from 1887 to 18)0, another mark was
"Stone China Warranted.'
S, OtE OH,4.1
The word "Itruscai" was printed in black on a white
graiitc toilet set fromi about 1885 to 1887. It was lot know
that a similar mark was bcig impressed on "Etruscan
A fa jolica" at the I htenixville (IPa.) Potterv about the same

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