Table XVIII-1 (cont'd)
Water Quality Data
WATERSHED                                            Stream                                                                                                       Sediment                        Compliance
Stbuatershed                                          Length           Recommended Water Use          Long-Term    Short-Term                    Biological        Condition    Water Quality     with Water Use
Stream Reach                                           (miles)               objective               Monitoring    Monitoring   Modeling      Condition Data        Data          Trends b         Obectivec
Oak Creek u/s STH 100                                     2.8     Warmwater Sport Fish Community          x            --           x             p to vp              --             NC                 P
and Full Recreational Use
Oak Creek d/s STH 100 to Drexel Avenue                    4.5     Warmwater Sport Fish Community          x            --           x                p                  -             NC                 P
and Full Recreational Use
Oak Creek d/s Drexel Avenue to                             0.9    Warmwater Sport Fish Community          x            --           x                --                --             NC                 P
Pennsylvania Avenue                                               and Full Recreational Use
Oak Creek d/s Pennsylvania Avenue to 15th Avenue           1.9    Warmwater Sport Fish Comunity          x            --           x                --                 -             NC                 P
and Full Recreational Use
Oak Creek d/s 15th Avenue                                  2.8    Warmwater Sport Fish Community          x            --           x              f to p              --             D                  P
and Full Recreational Use
Mitchell Field Ditch                                       2.3    Warmwater Sport Fish Community          --           --           x                -P
and Full Recreational Use
North Branch Oak Creek                                    5.7     Warmwater Sport Fish Community          --           x            x                 f                -P
and Full Recreational Use
Pike River u/s STH 20 to Bartlett Branch                  1.0    Warmwater Forage Fish Cormunity                                    x             f to vp                                               P
and Full Recreational Use
Bartlett Branch                                           1.5    Limited Forage Fish Comunity                                      x                                                                   F
and Limited Recreational Use
Pike River d/s STH 20 to Pike Creek                      11.7    Warmuater Sport Fish Coemunity                                     x       5.3 miles   f to vp                                         P
and FulS Recreational Use
Pike River d/e Pike Creek                                 13.8    Warmwater Sport Fish Community          --           --           x      9.6 mies = f to vp         -P
and Full Recreational Use
Pike Creek d/s STH 142                                    9.8    Warmwater Sport Fish Community           --           --           x          4.8 mies    p           -P
and Full Recreational Use
Pike Creek u/s STi 142                                    0.7    Warmwater Forage Fish Community          --           --           x       5 top
and Limited Recreational Use
Ashimppun River Siwatershed
Ashippun River u/s Druid Lake                            4.3     Warmwater Sport Fish Community          --           --           x       9=                         -
and Full Recreational Use
Ashippun River d9s Druid Lake to                         5.2    Warmwater Sport Fish Community           -           --           x          4.8mi-es= p
Washington County Line                                          and Full Recreational Use
Ashippun River d/s Waukesha County Line to                7.2    Warmwater Sport Fish Community           --           --           x                p                        -
Ashippun Lake inf lowand Full Recreational Use
Ashippun River d/s Ashippun Lake inflow                  4.2     Warmwater Sport Fish Community          --           --           --               *-
and Full Recreational Use

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