recommended that planning for all sewerage system expansion and upgrading be
conducted with the assumption that there will be no planned bypasses of untreat-
ed sewage and that the use of all flow relief devices will ultimately be elimi-
nated, with the only by passes remaining designed to protect the public and
treatment facilities from unforeseen equipment or power failure.
Intercommunity Trunk Sewer
Existing Conditions and Status of Plan Implementation:     The initial regional
water quality management plan contained no intercommunity trunk sewers recom-
mended for construction within the Sauk Creek watershed.
Current Plan Recommendations:    No new intercommunity trunk sewers are recom-
mended for construction in the Sauk Creek watershed under the current plan.
Point Sources of Wastewater Other Than Public
and Private Sewage Treatment Plants
Current Conditions and Status of Plan Implementation:     In 1975, there was a
total of two known point sources of pollution identified in the Sauk Creek
watershed other than public and private sewage treatment plants. These sources
discharged industrial cooling and process waters to the surface water system.
Of these, one was identified as discharging only cooling water and the other
discharged a process wastewater.     The initial regional water quality plan
includes a recommendation that these industrial sources of wastewater be moni-
tored and discharges limited to levels which must be determined on a case-by-
case basis under the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit
As of 1990, there were seven such point sources of wastewater discharging to
Sauk Creek or the groundwater system of the Sauk Creek watershed. Table XIV-6
summarizes selected characteristics of these other point sources and Map XIV-3
shows their locations. Due to the dynamic nature of permitted point sources, it
is recognized that the number of wastewater sources change as industries and
other facilities change location or processes and as decisions are made with
regard to the connection of such sources to public sanitary sewer systems.
Current Plan Recommendations:   As of 1993, there were seven known, permitted
point sources of wastewater other than public and private sewage treatment
plants discharging to surface or groundwaters in the Sauk Creek watershed.
These point sources of wastewater discharge, primarily industrial cooling
process, rinse, and wash water, discharge directly or following treatment to the
groundwater or the surface waters of the Sauk Creek watershed.     It is recom-
mended that these sources of wastewater continue to be regulated and controlled
on a case-by-case basis under the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination
Existing Unsewered Urban Development Outside
the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Area
As of 1975, there were no enclaves of unsewered urban development located
outside of the then proposed year 2000 sewer service area. As of 1990, no new
enclaves of urban development have been created beyond the planned sewer service
areas, as shown on Map XIV-3.
