Lac La Belle:   A water quality management plan has been prepared for Lac La
Belle.12  There is also an approved aquatic plant management plan for this
lake, which is being used to experimentally assess the effects of aquascaping to
manipulate the growth of more desirable aquatic plant species.       Large-leaf
pondweed, Potamogeton amplifolius, was planted in the lake during 1991 by the
Lac La Belle Management District. The District has also received a Chapter NR
119 lake management planning grant to partially fund conducting recreational use
surveys, water quality data analyses, and public information campaigns.13 On-
going water clarity monitoring is done by the District through the DNR Self-help
Monitoring Program, and the Department's Long-term Trends Monitoring Program.
Lac La Belle lies within the Oconomowoc River priority watershed project area
and the City of Oconomowoc public sanitary sewer service area.     Most of the          I
urban development around the lake is provided with public sewers, except for
portions of the Town of Oconomowoc on the eastern and northeastern shoreline.
La Grange Lake:    There are no records of water quality data or other plan
implementation activities on this lake as of 1993.
Lake Lorraine: There are no records of water quality data or other plan imple-
mentation action as of 1993. It is recommended that the Lorraine Lake Property
Owners Association enroll in the DNR Self-help Monitoring Program.
Genesee Lakes:  The three Genesee lakes--Upper, Middle, and Lower--are located
in the Town of Summit, Waukesha County.    Lower and Middle Genesee Lakes are
participants in the DNR Self-help Monitoring Program.   A lake management dis-
trict was created around Middle Genesee Lake during 1994. The District plans to
develop a comprehensive lake management plan for that Lake which could ultimate-
ly be extended to the entire lake chain.
Nashotah Lakes: Lower Nashotah Lake is actively enrolled in the DNR Self-help
Monitoring Program. Upper Nashotah Lake was formerly enrolled in the program
but does not appear on the most recent list of participants.   Re-enrollment is
recommended.   The urban development around these lakes is recommended to be
provided with a public sanitary sewer system which would be connected to the
Delafield-Hartland Water Pollution Control Commission sewerage system.
Upper and Lower Nemahbin Lakes: The Nemahbin Lakes have active lake organiza-
tions that are enrolled in the DNR Self-help Monitoring Program.     Additional
nonpoint source contaminant investigations have been proposed by the Upper              I
Nemahbin Lake District. This project has been funded through the Chapter NR 119
Lake Management Planning Grant Program.'4 The urban development around these
lakes is recommended to be provided with a public sanitary sewerage system which
would be connected to the Delafield-Hartland Water Pollution Control Commission
sewerage system.
12 SEWRPC Community Assistance Planning Report No. 47, A Water Quality Manage-
ment Plan for Lac La Belle, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, December 1980.
AAron & Associates, Lac La Belle Planning Grant Developed for the Lac La
Belle Management District, 1993

14SEWRPC Memorandum Report No. 101, Upper Nemahbin Lake Watershed Inventor
Findings, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, December 1994.