Table A-1 (continued)

Approximate Percent
Applicable JReduction of                                                                            Assumptions for
Land Use        Control Measuresa          Summary Description        Released Pollutantab         Costing Purposes

Conservation practices

Animal waste control

Includes such practices as
strip cropping, contour
plowing, crop rotation,
pasture management, critical
area protection, grading and
terracing, grassed waterways,
diversions, wood for
management, fertilization and
pesticide management, and
chisel tillage

Up to 50

4                               4

Construct stream bank fencing
and crossovers to prevent
access of all livestock to
waterways; construct a runoff
control system or a manure
storage facility, as needed,
for major livestock
operations; prevent improper
applications of manure on
frozen ground, near surface
drainageways, and on steep
slopes; incorporate manure
into soil


Costs for Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS)-
recommended practices are
applied to agricultural and
related rural land; the
distribution and extent of
the various practices were
determined from an
examination of 56 existing
farm plan designs within the
Region. The capital cost of
conservation practices ranges
from $3,000-$5,000 per acre
of rural land, with an
average annual operation and
maintenance cost of from $5-
$10 per rural acre

Cost estimated per animal
unit; animal waste storage
(liquid and slurry tank for
costing purposes) facilities
are recommended for all
major animal operations
within 500 feet of surface
water and located in areas
identified as having
relatively high potential
for severe pollution
problems. Runoff control
systems recommended for all
other major animal
operations. It is recognized
that dry manure stacking
facilities are significantly
less expensive than liquid
and slurry storage tanks and
may be adequate waste
storage systems in many
instances. The estimated
capital cost and average
operation and maintenance
cost of a runoff control
system is $100 per animal
unit and $25 per animal
unit, respectively. The
capital cost of a liquid and
slurry storage facility is
about $1,000 per animal
unit, with an annual
operation and maintenance
cost of about $75 per unit.
An animal unit is the weight
equivalent of a 1,000-pound
