Table 11-3


CabIa"irio, soWer-        n s b  i       pe        South-easteri  wsconsinInlsndLakes and Streas-
Warmwater          Warmwater                              Warmwater                              Limited
Coldwater         Sport fish         Sport fish                            Forage Fish      Limited Forage         Aquatic
Community and       Community        Community and     Warmwater Forage     Community and      Fish Community        Life and
Full Body          and Full            Limited        Fish Community          Limited          and Limited          Limited
Water Quality           Recreational      Recreational       Recreational         and Full          Recreational       Recreational       Recreationa
Parameters                Use                Use               Use          Recreational Use           Use               Used               Use
Temperature'1-6 ( Y)        Background         89.0 maximum      89.0 maximum       89.0 maximum        89.0 maximum              --                 --
Dissolved Oxygen           6.0 and 7.0h      5.0 minimumi      5.0 minimumi       5.0 minimumi         5.0 minimumi       3.0 minimumi       3.0 minimum
(mg/1)                      minimum
pH Rangek (S.U.)              6.0 - 9.0       6.0 - 9.0          6.0 - 9.0         6.0 - 9.0            6.0 - 9.0          6.0 - 9.0          6.0 - 9.0
Total Phosphorous1          0.1, 0.02         0.1, 0.02               --           0.1, 0.02                  --                 --               --
(mg/1)                      maximum            maximum                            maximum
Un-ionized Ammonia          0.02 maximum      0.04 maximum       0.04 maximum      0.04 maximum         0.04 maximum       3.0, 6.0                --
Nitrogen (mg/1)                                                                                                             maximumm
Chloriden (mg/1)            1,000 maximum     1,000 maximum      1,000 maximum     1,000 maximum        1,000 maximum      1,000 maximum           --
Fecal Coliform            200, 400           200, 400           1,000, 2,000      200, 400             1,000; 2,000       1,000; 2,000       1,000; 2,00
(MFFCC)                     maximumo           maximumo          maximumP           maximumo            maximump           maximumP           maximumP
a Includes SEWRPC interpretations of all basic water use categories established by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and additional categorie
under the areawide water quality management planning program, plus those combinations of water use categories applicable to the Southeastern Wisconsin P
recognized that under both extremely high and extremely low flow conditions, instream water quality levels can be expected to violate the established water qual
for short periods of time without damaging the overall health of the stream. It is important to note the critical differences between the official State
adopted water auality standards--composed of "use designations" and "water quality criteria"--and the water use objectives and supporting standards of the Regi
Commission described here. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, being regulatory agencies, utilizeN
standards as a basis for enforcement actions and compliance monitoring. This requires that the standards have a rigid basis in research findings and in fiel
The Commission, by contrast,must forecast regulations and technology far into the future, documenting the assumptions used to analyze conditions and probl
not currently exist anywhere, much less in or near Southeastern Wisconsin. As a result, more recent--and sometimes more controversial--study findings must
applied. This results from the Commission's use of the water quality standards as criteria to measure the relative merits of alternative plans.
b All waters shall meet the following minimum standards at all times and under all flow conditions: substances that will cause objectionable deposits on th
the bed of a body of water, floating or submerged debris, oil, scum, or other material, and material producing color, odor, taste or unsightliness shall n
in such amounts as to interfere with public rights in waters of the State. Substances in concentrations or combinations which are toxic or harmful to hums
be present in amounts found to be of public health significance, nor shall substances be present
in amounts which are acutely harmful to animal, plant or aquatic life.
Footnotes continue.
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