Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Corbus
have made their home in Philadelphia.
  On June 12, Dr. Thomas W.
Tormey, '99, and Miss Eva M. Cole
were married at the home of the
bride's parents in Geneseo, Ill. Mr.
and Mr's. Tormey are living in Madi-
son, Wis., where Dr. Tormey is meet-
ing with much success in the practice
of medicine. He was recently ap-
pointed district surgeon of the C. &
N. W. railroad.
  On June 12, Miss Alice E. Cham-
berlain, '02 was married to Mr. An-
thony P. Faber of Glenn Ullin, North
Dakota and Miss Mildred H. Cham-
berlain became the bride of Lloyd R.
-Harlacher, engineering  '05. The
double wedding occurred at the home
of the brides' parents, in Wingra Park,
Madison, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Faber
have made their home at Glenn Ullin,
North Dakota, where Mr. Faber is a
lawyer. Mr. and Mrs. Harlacher are
residing at Taconite, Minn.
   Miss Jessie M. Pelton, '03 and Har-
 ry G. Smith, '00 were married on
 June 12, at the home of the bride's
 parents in Madison, Wis. Mr. and
 Mrs. Smith have made their home
 near Mazomanie, Wis., where Mr.
 Smith will superintend hiV; stock farm.
   On June 12, at the home of the
 bride's parents in Watertown, Wis.,
 occurred the marriage of Miss Leorna
 Irma Bittner and Henry E. Bradley,
 law, '04. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley are
 living in Milwaukee, Wis., where Mr.
 Bradley is practicirrg law.
   Miss Olive M. Fehlandt, ex-'08 and
 Frank H. Lawrence, engineering, '06,
 were married on June 12, at the home
 of the bride's parents in Madison,
 Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence are
 living in Chicago where Mr. Lawrence
 holds a responsible position with the
 Chicago Telephone company.
   On June 12, Miss Grace M. Brad-
 ley, '03 and John H. Neef, engineer-
 ing, '04 were married at the home of
 the bride's mother in Madison, Wis.
 Mr. and Mrs. Neef are at present

living in Glenham, South Dakota,
where Mr. Neef is engaged in en-
gineering work.
  A marriage during the early part
of June was that of Hazel Wilde, of
New York City and David M. Has-
brouck, ex-'08. Mr. and Mrs. Has-
brouck are residing in  New York
where Mr. Hasbrouck    is connected
with a large automobile concern.
  The marriage of Miss Ruth Jensea
of Whitewater, Wis., to    John R.
Price, engineering, '05, occurred on
June 19. Mr. and Mrs. Price are
resident in Madison, Wis., where Mr.
Price holds the position of instructor
in electrical engineering in the Uni-
  On June 20 at Minneapolis, Minn.,
occurred the mariage of Miss Bessie
Stockwell and John  F. Baker, '05.
Mr. and Mrs. Baker have made their
home in Madison, Wis. Mr. Baker is
a member of the lower house of the
Wisconsin legislature. He is attorney
for the Wisconsin State Anti-Saloon
   Joseph G. Holty, '03, was married
 June 20 to Miss Isola McAdam of
 Aurora, Ill. Mr. Holty is an instruc-
 tor in chemistry at the Central high
 school in St. Louis, where he and his
 wife have made their home.
   The mariage of Miss Berenice D.
 Hunter, '06, and Edward W. Hoffman,
 ex-'06, took place on June 20, at the
 home of the bride's parents in Fort
 Atkinson, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Hoff-
 man are residing in Milwaukee Wis.
   On June 22 occurred the marriage
 of Miss Idella Potthast of New York
 City and B. Burdette Burling, engin-
 eering, '06. Mr. Burling is an 'electro-
 chemical engineer for the Gould Stor-
 age Battery company at Depew, N. Y.,
 in which city the young couple have
 made their home.
   Miss Anne Ruste, '06, and Percy
 W. Tracy, ex-'01, were married on
 June 22 at the home of the bride's
 parents in Charles City, Iowa. MK.
 and Mrs. Tracy are resident at Madi-

