We call TRACE the only
magazine of its kind. It is no idle
jingle. During a unique 16-year attempt
to trace the trends of contemporary literature,
the magazine has grown neither to the detachment
and isolation of an academic journal nor to dynamic
but indiscriminate rebellion characterizing some of the
'underground.' TRACE remains experimental, yet also
concerned with the origins and direction of its content. A
showplace of poetry, fiction, essays, drama, varied types
of art, each giant issue offers as well, views on books, films,
and related activities, along with an evolving directory to the
little mags and presses. And while each is a carefully-done
compendium, every TRACE is very much a part of the
pulse-beat of modern literature.
Single copies: $2.00
One year (3): $5.00
Villiers Publications
P.O. Box 1068
Hollywood, CA 90028