The Canadian


Papers on
* Atlases
e Automation
ï Research and Development
ï Special-purpose maps and charts
* Thematic maps
a History of cartography
* Cartography in education
* Graphics
* Visual aids
* Materials and equipment
* Progress in mapping
* Planning and design
* Compilation and drafting
* Map projections
* Map reproduction
a Reviews of Atlases
* Cartographic literature

The Canadian Cartographer has been
established to promote a greater un-
derstanding of the use of maps and
their interpretation, and to explain the
problems associated with the making
of maps.
The Canadian Cartographer publishes
papers covering all aspects of carto-
graphy, and reports on conferences,
symposia, and meetings. It includes
reviews, and critical essays on new
maps, charts, atlases, wall maps, and
cartographic reference works.
The Canadian Cartographer is publish-
ed twice yearly in June and December.

CARTOGRAPHY is the art, science and
technology of making maps, together
with their study as scientific documents
and works of art.

$6.00 for the calendar year: one volume of two numbers
Bernard V. Gutsell, Editor,
Department of Geography, York University,
4700 Keele Street, Downsview, Toronto, Canada.