Richmond, Kenneth.
The permanent values in education.
Rugg, H. 0.
Statistical methods applied to education.
Stourm, Rend.
The budget.                  336.44-S88
Military Science
Dickson, Harris.
The unpopular history of the United
States.                      355-D55
Elliott, F. H.
Trench fighting.               355-E46
Hatcher, J. S., and others.
Machine guns.                 358-H36
Kilner, W. G., and A. J. MacElroy.
The cantonment manual.        355-K48
Moretti, Onorio.
Notes on training            358.1-M84
Coleman, Algernon, and A. M. La Mesl6e.
Le soldat americain en France. 448.2-C69
Cross. H616ne.
Soldiers' spoken French.     448.2-C95
Forbes. Nevill.
Russian grammar.           491.725-F69
Pattou, E. E.
French-English manual.       448.2-P32
Plumon, Eugene.
Vade-mecum for the use of officers and
interpreters in the present camoaign.
Wilkins. E. H., and others.
First lessons in spoken French, for men
in military service.       448.2-W68
Crehore, A. C.
The mystery of matter and energy.
Dixon, Royal.
The human side of birds.     598.2-D61
Hastings, F. S.
Navigation.                   527-H35
Porter, G. S.
Friends in feathers.         598.2-P84
Sedgwick, W. T., and H. W. Tyler.
A short history of science.    509-S44
Abt, I. A.
The baby's food.             649.1-Al6
Armsby, H. P.
The nutrition of farm animals. 636-A73
Barker. Harry.
Public utility rates.          658-B25
Farnsworth, A. W.
Constructional steelwork.    691.7-F23

Jekyll, Gertrude.
Annuals and biennials.       635.9-J47
Kehl, R. J.
Oxy-acetylene welding practice. 671-K26
Lusk, Graham.
The elements of the science of nutrition.
Miller, R. W.
Baldness.                   616.5-M95
Murphy, C. J.
American Indian corn.        641.5-M97
Owen, M. B.
The secret of typewriting speed. 652-097
Souder, M. A.
The notion department.         658-S71
Spring, L. W.
Non-technical chats on iron and steel and
their application to modern industry.
Thompson, E. B.
The cotton and linen department.
Thurstan, Violetta.
A text book of war nursing.  610.73-T54
Vanderwalker, F. N.
Estimates, costs and profits.  698-V24
Creager, W. P.
Engineering for masonry dams. 627.8-C91
Harding, S. T.
Operation and maintenance of irrigation
systems.                   626.8-H26
Hartman, W. B.
Machine shop practice.      621.75-H33
Hills, R. W.
M\achine drawing.            62L8-H65
Hughes, C. H.
Handbook of ship calculations, construc-
tion and operation.        623.8-H89
James, G. W.
Reclaiming the arid West.    626.8-127
Kuss, R. H., ed.
Steam boilers.             621.184-K97
Munday, A. H.
The eyes of the army and navy; practical
aviation.                 623.74-M96
Solano, E. J., ed.
Field entrenchments.         623.2-S68
Steinmetz, C. P.
Theory and calculations of electrical ap-
paratus.                 621.313-S82
Timbie, W. H.
Essentials of electricity.   621.3-T58
Allen, M. R.
Japanese art motives.       709.52-A42
Chizat, E. A.
John's lullaby; vocal score.  784.81 -C54
Hadley, Henry.
Azora, the daughter of Montezuma; vocal
score.                   782.1-H13as