Howe, F. C. [Size and election of city coun-
cils in Germany and England.] (in his
European cities at work, 1913, p. 237-39,

Munro, W. B. [Councils in France, Ger-
many and England.] (in his Government
of European cities, 1909)
See index under council for paging.


Putnam, John F. Milwaukee's decentralized
and duplicated government.      Civics and
commerce, Feb. 1918.                414P98
California-Immigration and housing, Com-
mission of.    Discussion of methods of
teaching English to adult foreigners with
a report on Los Angeles county. Sacra-
mento, 1917. 40p.               374.33lC1d
Report on an experiment made in
Los Angeles- in the summer of 1917 for
the Americanization of foreign-born wom-
en. Sacramento, 1917. 24p.        374.331C1
Massachusetts-Education, Board of-Dept.
of university extension. Civics for nat-
uralization. Bost. 1917. 53p.    374.331M4
Ferguson, John A. Scientific principles in-
volved in building a building code. En-
gineering and contracting, Jan. 23, 1918.
American association for organizing charity.
Financial federations: report of a special
committee. N. Y. 1917. 285p. 361.lAm3
The report considers and discusses the subject
of financial federations for charitable purposes
from the financial, the educational and the social
sides, together with conclusions and recommenda-
tions. The report contains also a study of fifteen
federations which serve as illustrative material
for the conclusions drawn.
Milwaukee, Wis. Associated charities. Re-
port. 1916/17.
Rochester, N. Y., chamber of commerce.
Solicitations wise and unwise.     Roches-
ter, 1917. 52p.                   361.1R58
In this report by the Rochester chamber of
commerce on the solicitation of funds for char-
itable and other purposes, the factors that affect
the legitimacy, desirability and efficiency of so-
licitations are shown. Typical cases have been
selected to illustrate the principles involved.
City Planning
New York City-Estimate and apportion-
ment, Board of-Committee on city plan.
Erection of buildings within the lines of
proposed streets laid down on the final
map of the city of New York. N. Y. 1917.
7p.                              458.4N48e
St. Louis, Mo.-City plan commission. Zon-
ing for St. Louis: fundamental part of the
city plan. St. Louis, 1918. 30p.
'For almost a year the City plan commission
has been at work devising a building zone plan

for controlling the height and area of buildings
and the uses of property in St. Louis. The plan
will soon be made public in preliminary form,
following which public hearings and exhibitions
will be held to the end that the widest publicity
and general understanding may be had.   This
pamphlet is issued as a preliminary statement of
the motives which have actuated and guided the
commission in preparing the plan."
Co-operative Delivery Systems
Bittner, Walton S. Co-operative retail de-
livery: organization and methods of cen-
tral delivery systems. Bloomington, Ind.
1917.  30p.   (Indiana university-Exten-
sion division bul.)                 334B54
United States-Labor statistics, Bureau of.
Vocational education and employment of
the handicapped with special reference to
crippled soldiers: annotated list of refer-
ences. Wash. 1917. 29p.           362.43X1
List reprinted from the Monthly review of la-
hor statistics, Sept. 1917.
Allegheny county, Pa., Civic club. District-
ing and zoning: what it is, why Pitts-
burgh should do it. Pittsburgh, 1918. 7p.
Cheney, Charles Henry. Procedure for zon-
ing or districting of cities, San Fran. 1917.
15p.                              458.7C42
Docks and Harbors
Cherington, Paul T. Port of Boston: its
problems. Bost. 1917. 35p.         387.6C42
Summary of the situation made for the Joint
sub-committee on lighterage of the Boston cham-
her of conmur ce.
Electric Rates
Ballard, F. W. Cleveland electric rate case.
(in Utilities mag. Feb. 1918, p. 18-28)
Elevator manufacturers' association of the
tUnited States. Uniform    regulations for
the construction and installation of pas-
senger and freight elevators. 47p.
Regulations adopted Oct. 12, 1917.
New York City-Mlayor-Committee on na-
tional defense-Cotmmittee on industry
and employment. Report. 1917. 44p.