IMWTTERS   V?/           ao 0       0            --
After J. N. Darling, in New York Tribme,
IF GARDENS on city lots were a good thing in 1917, they will be a necessity in
1918. Uncle Sam is calling on every man, woman and child to help increase the
production of food. Don't waste time or labor on fancy gardening stunts. Don't
try to raise what you cannot use at once or store for winter. Supply yourself in
time with-1. Seeds. 2. Spraying materials. 3. Fertilizer. All will be hard to
get later.
The Public Library has arranged for several afternoon meetings conducted by
well-known local gardeners, and by the Wisconsin Horticultural Society. The
meetings will be held in the Lecture Room of the Library, 3d floor, at 2 o'clock.
These will be practical talks by men who know. Bring your questions and have
them answered.
The Library has secured a supply of the two best manuals ever written; -
1. War Vegetable Gardening and Home Storage of Vegetables.
2. Home Canning and Home Drying of Vegetables and fruits.
Be sure to attend these talks and get a free copy of these books, which contain the
clearest directions ever published. You will wish to keep them always, and you
will require little additional instruction to reap success.
March 23-The succession of Salad Plants from Spring to Winter.
March 30-Tomatoes and Onions; Beans and Peas.
April 6-What to Plant and What Not to Plant: Varieties Best.
See page 3
For a list of the best books on the Back Yard Garden.

See page 15