Reed college. Statistical study of American
cities. Portland, Ore. 1917. 41p. (Social
servis series bul. No. 4)             407R25
Gives tables of comparative information on
Wage rates; Cost-of-living; Death rates; Infant
mortality  rates; Population  married; Church
membership; Child labor; Parks; Pavement; Fire
loss; Public properties: Circulation of library
books; School attendance; School property;
Teachers' salaries; Number of pupils to     a
teacher; Illiteracy; Foreign-born unable to speak
Epstein, Abraham M. Negro migrant in
Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, 1918. 75p.
Open Air Schools
Kingsley, Sherman C., and Dresslar, F. B.
Open-air   schools.    Wash. 1917.      283p.
(U. S.--Education, Bureau of, bul. 1916,
No. 23)                            373.1K610
Purdy, Lawson. Municipal pensions. Nat.
mun. rev. Jan. 1918.                351.8P97
Baker, Arthur. Stores in connection with
the   municipal    purchasing    department.
Purchasing agent, Jan. 1918.        453.5B17
St. Louis, Mo.-City plan commission. Rec-
reation in St. Louis. St. Louis, 1917. 48p.
The   pamphlet    contains  recommendations
"which constitute what might be called a definite
program for expanding the recreation system of
St. Louis during the ensuing years. In all of
this work consideration has been given to the
relation which recreation bears to the preparation
of a comprehensive city plan.''
School Surveys
United States-Education, Bureau of. Pub-
lic school system of San Francisco, Cali-
fornia: report to the San Francisco board
of education of a survey made under the
direction of the United States commis-
sioner of education. Wash. 1917. 649p.
(Bul. No. 46)                        370.4X3
Summaries of the above survey made by the
California commonwealth club and the Education
committee of the San Francisco teachers' asso-
ciation were noted in the Municipal reference li-
brary bulletin of January 8, 1918.
Recovery of grease and fertilizers from
sewage comes to the front. (in Engineer-
ing news-record, Feb. 14, 1918, p. 319-22)
"The Miles acid process which is described in
this article is a process of treating sewage which
attempts by the addition of an acid to precipitate
the bulk of the solids from sewage in the form of
a sludge which can be dried and degreased there-
by producing a readily salable and greaseless fer-
tilizer as well as recovering the valuable grease."
Although the Joint investigating committee of
the Massachusetts legislature has reported against
the process following an experimental test at
Boston. further trial of the process on a larger
working scale is being urged.
Snow Removal
Snow removal by steam shovel [in Newark,
N. J.]   Municipal journal, Jan. 12, 1918.

State Administration
Virginia - General assembly - Commission
on   economy    and   efficiency.   Report.
Richmond, 1918. 67p.                 354V8
The commission was appointed to make ''a care-
ful and detailed study of the organization and
methods of the state and local governments of
the commonwealth of Virginia, and to report to
the next General assembly of Virginia in what
way the state and local government can be more
efficiently and economically organized and admin-
Philadelphia, Pa.-Highways and street
cleaning, Bureat of. Report. 1916.
Of special interest are the following articles
in this report: Clean streets campaign; Clean-up
week: Methods of financing pavements and their
annual costs: Highway traffic analysis and traf-
fic census procedure.
Traffic Census
Make $35,000 traffic census in Chicago loop.
(in Engineering news-record, Feb. 7, 1918,
p. 254-56)
"The census was made in 1917 in connection
with proposed street improvements to facilitate
traffic. The purpose of the census was to show
the relation of the traffic across Rush  street
bridge over the Chicago river to conditions in the
business district, and also to indicate what effect
the widening and double-decking of Michigan ave-
nue att the river would have upon traffic condi-
Bennem, James G. Importance of well-
shaded city streets. American city, Jan.
1918.                             472.3B43
Newark, N. J.-Shade tree commission. Re-
port. 1916.                      472.32N42
Vocational Guidance
Chicago, Ill.-Education, Board of-Bureau
of vocational guidance.     Report.   1916.
Lighthall, W. D. War time experiences of
Canadian cities.   National municipal re-
view, Jan. 1918.
Wacker, Charles H. Argument on war-time
continuation of preliminary work on pub-
lic improvements. American       city, Jan.
Statement made to the Chicago city council
committee on hoise defense.
Water Purification
Rich, Edward D. Water filtration. Lansing,
1917. 16p. (Michigan Health, Board of,
eng. hul. No. 9) 481.5R36
Chicago, Ill., bureau of public efficiency.
Waterworks system of the city of Chi-
cago. Chic. 1917. 207p.           481C43w
Van Kleeck, Mary. Employment of women
in the storage and warehousing depots of
the United    States army.    Wash. 1917.
21p. (Council of national defense-War-
industries board, storage bul. No. 9)