One extra peck an acre will take care of all the U-boats' share and more. Let u s strive for the
extra peck, and an extra bushel or two if possible. Better seed-bed preparation and a little additional
cultivation will turn the trick. Are you American enough to do it?        It's au  to you.-The Country Gen-
tleman. 9 Feb. 1918. Editors' page.

Albaugh, Benjamin F. The Gardenette or
City Back Yard Gardening; The Sand-
wich System. 1917. Stewart, Kidd. $1.25
This important addition to the garden shelves
is an arrount of what can be raised on a small
piece of land by means of the 'Sandwich Sys-
tens . real or modified.  The sandwich bed is
made in layers of straw and stable litter or leaves,
stable sanure, more stable litter, and street scrap-
ings when obtainable, otherwise a certain coi-
post. The author has repeatedly produced over
fifty dollars worth of vegetables on a plot about
l8x45 feet, in his leisure time. This becomes an
item  worth considering when each must ito his
share either growing or saving food. With Mr.
Albaugli, ''Making the desert places to blossom
like the rose" has been a labor of love. Part IT
of '"'The Gardenette" is ois flower gardening. It
las excellent illustrations and is written so simply
that tie who reads may garden.
Aquatias, P.     Intensive Culture of Vege-
tables on the french Systen ; with a Con-
cise  Monthly    Calendar    of Operations.
1913. Gill. $1.65                    635.2:43
.. A quatics is a well-known French gardener,
an authority on French intensive gardening, a
branch of horticulture in a class by itself. By
this system is understood the method of obtaining
earlier produce, and more of it, by means of
glass, intercropping, etc. It is the combined ex-
perienct of many generations of a people obligeid
to msake their soil yield its utumost. Their snccess
stimulates interest in the mieans by which crops
are made to follow each other it rapid succession.
and is the reason for including a foreign publica-
tion in this list. M. Aquatias has written clearly'
and concisely, yet with detail on the iethods
that have made such results possible.      The
"-Mothly Calendar of Operations"   is a con-
venience i following more closely ideas that will
be novel to iman v readers. The point is made
that it is love of the soil, and a iatural aptitude
for its itltivation, as well as necessity, that have
made the gardens of France fertile and productive
to an unusual degree.
French, Allen. How to Grow Vegetbales
and Garden Herbs; a Practical Handbook
and Planting Table for the Vegetable
Gardener. 1914. Macmillan. $1.75
This is entirely in the form of ai alphabetical
planting list, and, within its limitations is thor-
oughly practical.  Material ons soils i general
and local soil conditions it particular would have
been an improvement, but Mr. French contents
himself with referring his readers to other ass-
thorities for this subject. Each vegetable has a
siismiary of its uses. kind of soil required, sowing.
thinning , when to take root-divisions and cuttings,
aind other necessary instrections.
Kruhm, Adolph. The Home Vegetable Gar-
den. 1914. Orange Judd. $1.00 635-K94
Knowledge of what to grow and how to grow
it may be learned from this dependable little
book, the friend of many of our local gardeners.
Part one is entitled "The Home Vegetable Gar-
den' and includes ''Hotbed Construction and
Management" by Mr. M. G. Kains. Part two is

oi Up-to-Date Yegetables. A planting table is in-
Morrison, Edward, and Charles Thomas
Brues. How to Make the Garden Pay.
1917. Houghton, Mifflin. $.75 635-M87
Both the record of ass avocation and a patriotic
desire to be of assistance in the present emer-
genscy. It is compact with ideas and practical
suggestions for the Soldiers of the Soil.  The
unusually readable preface is in reality a little
essay on Patriotism.   The garden is planned,
profitable nethods discussed, an alphabetical list
of vegetables is included, together with a chapter
oi insect iesisies and diseases.
Rexford, E. E. The Homne Garden; a Book
of Vegetable and      Small-fruit   Growing.
1909. Lippincott. $1.25              635.2:24
Excellent advice by ass authority who has been
i-oiled our foremost amateur gardener. Mr. Rex-
ford regarded himself as a man with a message.
He had cast his eyes on the unused back-yards
of America and the matter was cause for pain.
It became necessary to write on the subject, and
there resulted ia goodly number of volumes of
which the present example is representative. It
is a chatt y, practical talk oss everything of inter-
est to the city dwveller and suburbanite.
Rockwell, F. F. Homte Vegetable Garden-
ing. 1911. Winston. $1.00             635.2:33
The wider scope of Mr. Rockwell's book en-
ables him to give most sinute details as to soiils
and their preparation; fertilizers; the special
needs of the different vegetables; crop rotation
ind other phases of gardening activity. A chap-
ter is included on the harvesting and storing of
produce. Mainy illustrations add to its value.
Selden, Charles A. Everyman's Garden in
War Titie. 1917. Dodd, Mead. $1.35
A timely and 'sitlisiastic contribution to War
Garden literature. Also a most complete addition,
the author having written 338 pages in his en-
deavor to have his readers plan and plant with
something more than good intentions. A serious
side to misapplied effort just now, is the waste
of land and time as well as seed. The book has
a preface on Patriotism and Food. There are
chapters on: Cold Weather Planning and Read-
ing; Saving the Family Purse; Gardening Soils,
Good and Bad: Garden Mistakes of Various Sorts.
Save for this general information the volume is
arranged  chronologically  week  by week.  All
phases of gardening activity are considered.
Watts, Ralph L. The Vegetable Garden.
1915. Outing. $.70                   635-W35
A helpful little manual, simply written. It has
chapters ots bot-heds, cold-franses, tillage prob-
teus. sied supply, intensive gardening, and the
cultivation of just the right vegetables to grow
in the back yard. Each vegetable is discussed
in exhaustive manner, the cabbage, for instance,
being given ten pages of text and the bean six
pages. Soil problems receive attention, as does
crop rotation. There is also a chapter on mar-
keting for thos  who are so successful as to
have a surplus to dispose of.