"Please send us some books. We ain't
got no books at all. We are regulars and
get just as lonesome as National Guards."
Thus wrote a private soldier to a public
librarian. The soldier was in a small camp.
If he had been in a large one, he would
have been able to take advantage of the
library service which the American Library
Association has established in all of the
national cantonments. The books he asked
for were sent promptly, and others have
followed with regularity. But, in the first
shipment, the thoughtful librarian included
a supply of tobacco and candy. Just where
he got them, deponent sayeth not, but at
any rate they went forward. The response
was immediate!
"If you ever done good to a man you
done good to me," wrote the soldier, "but
please don't waste no more space for eats.
Just send the books."
This is merely one incidental bit of evi-
dence as to the keen desire on the part of
the men in the camps for reading matter.
An impression seems to prevail that new
books are withheld from the public by the
attendants who, from their point of vantage,
not only seize the opportunity of first chance
for themselves, but also pass the privilege
on to their relatives and friends, thus creat-
ing an endless chain which operates to the
disadvantage of the public at large. This is
an error which we should like to correct.
There is a standing rule in the library that
no employee may withdraw any new book
of fiction until after it has been three
months in general circulation.  Nor may
current magazines be taken until a month
has passed. New books in other classifi-
cations may be withdrawn providing there
are no requisitions on file by outside bor-
rowers. When, however, there is a waiting
list for a book. the attendant's turn comes
last even though it may have been the first
call entered. Attendants themselves recog-
nize the propriety and justice of this rule.
Upon request from Washington the
Board of Trustees of the Library have re-
leased Mr. S. A. McKillop for a period of
two months to do camp library work. Mr.
McKillop plans to leave immediately. After
spending a short time in several of the other
great cantonments, he will go to Camp
Beauregard, at Alexandria, La., where he
will organize the camp library. This gives
us an additional and personal interest in the
great work for the soldiers which is carried
on by American library forces.
She was a symphony in brown. Her eyes
were brown and her hair was brown, and
clothing of the same warm hue enfolded her
graceful figure. Coquettish dimples played
archly in her cheeks and a tiny mole on her

chin produced the effect of the little black
patch once so popular with Colonial dames.
The nipping winter wind had blown a rav-
ishing color into her face and the flutfy
brown boa about her throat gave her youth-
ful countenance a look of soft daintiness
altogether charming.
"I want a good story," she explained.
"One of the old-fashioned kind with lots of
love and no gore in it. None of your war
stuff for me!"
The attendant brought an assortment of
novels for her to choose from.
"Now, which shall I take?" she asked,
turning to the friend who had accompanied
her. "Here's 'The Romance of a Poor
Young Man'. If it was a poor young woman
it would be appropriate. And here is 'Good-
bye, Sweetheart'. Funny title for a novel!
I suppose he was a soldier."
"Looks as if it might be thrilling," said
the friend. "There's loads of talk in it."
"But if he never comes back, I don't
want it."
She turned to the end and began reading
backwards. Then suddenly an exclamation
of disappointment burst from her lips.
"Oh, she dies! That'll never do. My
heroine must live and be happy ever after.
The story must end as it ought to."
"Then take this one of King's," suggest-
ed the attendant. "His always end as they
ought to. Of course, it's military, but it
isn't distressing."
And they walked away triumphantly with
the "Colonel's Daughter".
The fact that it is impossible at present to
import standard editions of the music of the
great composers makes the music collection
of the library of increasing importance to
the musicians of Milwaukee. The collection
includes the scores of operas, complete edi-
tions of the piano works of many compos-
ers, song collections, operettas, patriotic
and familiar songs, organ music, violin mu-
sic, trios and quartettes. With it are shelved
the biographies of musicians, histories of
music, works on harmony and counterpoint,
v-oice training, piano playing, the orchestra
and its instruments and bound volumes of
musical periodicals. The music is issued for
home use in the same manner that the
books are. Recent additions to the Julius
Klauser Memorial Collection are the col-
lected works of Russian composers.
Voters of the city of Milwaukee are to
determine the size, length of term of office
and method of election of the Milwaukee
Common Council at the coming elections.
In accordance with chapter 327, Laws of
1917, the voter is expected to signify at
the primary election his preference for one
of the following plans: