CHAPTER VIII.
,A Visit from Blackfeet-The Green River Rendezvous-A "'Powerful
  Drunk"-Mad Wolf-A Friendly Warning-A Trip to the Salt Lake
  Country-Meek Joins Jo. Walker's California Expedition-Instinct of
  the Mule-On the Humboldt River-Massacre of Diggers at Mary's
  River-Vain Explorations-Crossing the Sierra Nevadas-Hardships
  and Sufferings-The Sacramento Valley-Delight of the Trappers-
  Meeting with Spanish Soldiers-A Parley-Escorted to Monterey-A
  Hospitable Reception-The Native Californians-Visit to the Mohave
  Village-Meeting with Trapp and Jervais-Infamous Conduct at the
  Moquis Village-The Return March,      -               -    - 141

                      CHAPTER        I X.
In the Camanche Country-A Surprise and a Rapid Movement-The
Mule Fort-A Camanche Charge-Sure Aim-Another Charge-More
Dead Indians-Woman's Weapon, the Tongue-Fearful Heat and Suf-
ferings from Thirst-The Escape by Night-The South Park-Death
of Guthrie-Meeting with Bonneville-Indignant Reproaches, -   - 154

                       CHAPTER X.
Gossip at Rendezvous-Adventures in the Crow Country-Fitzpatrick
Picked by the Crows and Flies from Them-Honor among Thieves-
Unfair Treatment of Wyeth-Bonneville Snubbed at Walla-Walla-
He Rejects good Counsel-Wyeth's Threat, and its Fulfillment-Divis-
ion of Territory,                                           16O

                       CHAPTER        XI.
In the Blackfoot Country-A Visit to Wyeth's Trappers-Sorry Expe-
riences-Condolence and its Effect-The Visitors become Defenders-
  A Battle with Fire and Sword-Fighting for Life-The Trappers' Vic-
  tory-A Trapping Excursion-Meek Plays a Trick and has one Played
  on Him-A Run to Camp-Taking up Traps-A Blackfoot Ambush-.
  A Running Fire-A lucky Escape-Winter Camp on the Yellowstone-
  Interpretation of a Dream-A Buffalo Hunt and a Blackfoot Surprise-
  Meek's Mule Story,    -                                      166

                      CHAPTER XII.
Setting up as a Family Man-First Love-Cut out by the Booshway-
  Reward of Constancy-Beauty of Umentucken-Her Dress, Her Horse
  and Equipments-Anecdotes of the Mountain Lamb-Her Quarrel with
  The Trapper-Capture by Crows-Her Rescue-Meek Avenges'an In-
  sult-A Row in Camp-The Female Element-Death of Umentucken, 175
