SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS.
 Ryan High School, w. s. Morrison, bet. Harris and North. I.
   N. Stewart, principal; R. P. Eckel, Alice A. Lindenzweig,
   Miss E. M. Pinning, Bertha A. Strong, Maggie L. McCormack,
   Delia E. Grimes, teachers.
 First District School. e. s. Meade, bet. Franklin and Eldorado.
   M. J. Burke, principal; Miss Mary Bradford, Mary E. Ames,
   Mrs. L. J. Newell, Miss Etta Kinney, Miss Emma Bailey,
   Miss Enid Kinney, Lulu Rose, Mrs. H. Baker, teachers.
-Hercules School (Second Ward), s. e. cor. Appleton and Fisk.
   Mrs. M. B. Graves, sub-principal; Miss Carrie Harris, Annette
   C. Purdy, Edith A. Purdy, Mary Glancy, Nellie E. Dubois,
   Edith Silverfriend, Ada Packard, Ada Kethroe, teachers.
 Amicus School (Sixth Ward), e. s. Appleton, bet. Winnebago
   and Commercial. Effie M. Putnam, sub-principal; Minnie
   M. Palmer, Anna Hafner, Mary Comerford, teachers.
 Third Ward School, n. e. cor. 5th and Locust. 0. E. Wells,
   principal; Miss L. A. Darlington, Minnie Caldwell, Alice Han-
   chette, Helen R. Enos, Minnie A. Stone, Alice J. Carey, Kate
   Hamacker, Georgia W. Wolcott, teachers.
 Fifth Ward School, w. s. Locust, bet. Loraine and Elsie. Mag-
   gie J. Ryan, sub-principal; Helen 0. Drown, Clare Smith,
 Fourth Ward School, w. s. Jackson, bet. Lincoln and Main.
   E. H. Reynolds, principal; Kate Deguire, Emma Barteau,
   Lora Sheels, Mary J. Bentley, teachers.
 Richmond School (Fourth Ward), s. w. cor. Maple Grove and
   S. River. Ida Gallagher, sub-principal.

                    Fire Department.
   A. J. Kreiss, chief; Morris Barteau, assistant chief.
 Engine House No. 1, s. w. cor. Oneida and Edwards. W. B.
   Storch, F. F. Smith, Charles Thompson, George Sheldon, Phil-
   lip Weller.
 Engine House No. 2, n. w. cor. 8th and State. John Schultz,
   Charles Rechner, John Poetzel.
 Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, cor. Oneida and Edwards. Jac.
   Howard, C. G. Muench. Aug. Fuchsgruber, Otto Schaefer.

                  Police Department.
  The police force consists of the chief and four men.
  Edward   Finnegan, chief; Fred. Hoefer, Dennis Carroll,
  Michael Garvey, Win. Baker.
  Office and Station, w. s. Oneida, bet. College av. and Ed-