SMA                 154                SMU
Smalley Rollin J., carpenter and builder, w. s. Locust, I s. of
  8th, res. same.
Smith Agnes Miss, res. s. s. South, foot of Meade.
Smith Agnes (wid. )avid), res. s. s. South, foot of Meade.
Smith Alexander M., res. s. s. South, foot of Meade.
Smith Alice J. Miss, res. n. e. cor. Morrison and Hancock.
Smith Angeline J. Miss, res. n. e. cor. Lawrence and Pearl.
  pres. First Nat. Bank, pres. and mngr. Appleton Edison Light
  Co., sec. and treas. Green Bay & Mississippi Canal Co., etc.,
  112 Oneida, res. s. w. cor. Alton and Lawe.
Smith Augustus L. Jr., ins. agt., 112 Oneida, res. s. e. cor. Alton
  and Union.
  prop. Wave ly House bus line, rear Waverly House, res. s. s.
  Lawrence, 1 w. of Ravine.
Smith Franklin T., law student, res. s. I. cor. Alton and Lawe.
Smith Frederick, fireman, bds. American House.
Smith George, mason, res. n. e. cor. iMorrison and Hancock.
Smith Henes, domestic 1). Jaeobs.
Smith Henry D., v.-pres. First Nat. Bank, res. s. s. John, 2 e. of
Smith Ira J., mason, res. n. e. cor. Morrison and Hancock.
Smith John C., agt. Singer Sewing Machine Co., s. s. College av.,
  5 e. of Appleton, res. n. s. Edwards, 2 w. of Durkee.
Smith Lizzie, elk., bds. J. V. Clancy.
Smith Lois I. Miss, res. n. e. cor. Morrison and Hancock.
Smith Louisa, domestic Chas. A. Fuller.
Smith Manor S., res. w. s. Lawe, 3 n. of North.
Smith Marion Miss, res. s. s. South, foot of Meade.
Smith Matilda Mrs., res. n. s. College av., 1 w. of Rankin.
Smith Mildred Miss, res. e. s. Superior, 2 n. of Perry.
Smith Reeder, res. n. e. cor. Lawrence and Pearl.
Smith Reuben, foreman C. & N.-W. Iy freight house, res. e. s
  Superior, 2 n. of Perry.
Smith Sarah Miss, res. n. e. cor. Morrison and Hancock.
Smith Sherman, hostler, bds. Briggs House.
Smith Sophia H. (wid. Elvin), res. n. w. cor. Alton and Meade.
Smith Celia A., M. S., librarian Lawrence University, res. n. s.
  College av., 1 w. of Rankin.
Smith. See Schmid, Schmidt, Schmitt. etc.
Smudde Annie M., confectioner, n. s. College av., 4 e. of Walnut,
  res. n. s. Prospect, 2 e. of Walnut.
Smudde Anton, compositor, res. n. s. Prospect, I w. of Eln.