guards has a distinct
clothed with apparent
would have drawn in a
mies.  Indeed, Vallot
artist, and  he   corn
serious attention as do
or men like William
Pryde in England, the
junction, gave us the de
with the name of the
Felix Vallotton's art is

expression, and each is
individuality. Another
row of identical dum-
ton is a remarkable
mands quite as much
any of our own men,
Nicholson and James
two artists who, in con-
lightful posters signed
a mrolific one, but it

never runs itself dry   PUVIS DE CHEVANNES.  and he never produced
a stupid subject. In      By Felix Vallotton.  deed, his work is thor-
oughly worth our study, not as something to be imitated, but as
an inspirational quarry from which may be hewn out those solid
blocks of the understanding that thoroughness in anything is the
foundation on which to build enduring edifices.

                 A HINT OF SPRING
            ROPS of rain and drops of sun,
                  And the air is amber spun.
                  From the winter's coma pass
            Golden tremors o'er the grass.
            Little sparks of memory
            Flash upon the soul and die.
            While a child amid the way
            Thrusts arbutus, hithered gay.
            From a somewhere full of bloom
            Earth's exultant hope finds room,
            And the poorest, in the shower,
            Longs to buy a little flower.
                                    -AGNES LEE.


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