
Available Contents (53 Items)

  1. Girl Trouble-Two Parts
  2. A Strange Bargain-Two Parts
  3. Fff-Food for Friends-Two Parts
  4. Bob and Joey Put Their Heads Together-Two Parts
  5. Stranger in a Waistcoat-Two Parts
  6. Wilhelm Serves Kuchen-Two Parts
  7. Hitler's Mark-Two Parts
  8. Mrs. Barlow Sees the Principal-Two Parts
  9. Theatre Time-Two Parts
  10. Mr. Sheldon Shakes Hands-Two Parts
  11. The Double A's and Veterans-Two Parts
  12. A Letter from California-Two Parts
  13. The House I Live In-Two Parts
  14. Girls with Two Faces-Two Parts
  15. Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man-Two Parts
  16. Jim Celebrates Easter (Catholic Mass)-Three Parts
  17. The Sick Boy
  18. All That Money Can Buy-Two of Two
  19. The Double A's Do a Broadcast-Two Parts
  20. Miss Anderson to the Rescue-Two of Two
  21. The Charm Bracelet-One of Two
  22. The Double A's Thanksgiving Plans-Two Parts
  23. Trouble Rides on a Broomstick-Two Parts-(Relationships in Living, Gr. 5-8)
  24. Special Introduction to Giving Thanks Together
  25. Giving Thanks Together-Two Parts
  26. Saturday-2 O'clock-Sharp!-Two Parts
  27. Bud Checks In-One of Two
  28. To Have Your Cake and Eat It-Two Parts
  29. Calling the Patrol-Two Parts
  30. Bud Hannigan's Time Out-Two Parts
  31. Who's Your Neighbor-Two Parts
  32. If Abe Lincoln Walks In-One of Two
  33. Please Pass the Pickles-Two of Two
  34. Mr. Everybody-Two Parts
  35. Open for Business-Two Parts
  36. April Fool-Two Parts
  37. Wherefore is This Night Different-Two Parts
  38. Check and Double Check-Two Parts
  39. The Double A's Meet the Blockbuster-Two Parts
  40. The Double A's Big Night-One of Two
  41. O'reilly's Right Punch-Two Parts
  42. Movieland Mistakes-Two Parts
  43. Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man-Two Parts
  44. " Who's on our Team?" and "Mystery in a Cellar"
  45. " Grandpa Greenberg's Metzah" and "Meet My Gang"
  46. " New Kid" and "Take it Back Brother"
  47. " Clearance after Xmas" and "The Copper Tea Kettle"
  48. " Girl Trouble" and "And You Know Who I Am"
  49. " The Team Meets the Rivals" and "Trouble Rides a Broomstick"
  50. " Bobby Greenberg Becomes a Man"
  51. " O'Reilley's Right Punch" and "Down the Road to our Town"
  52. " The Army Lends a Hand" and "The Dounble A's are Born"
  53. The Fighting Farmer-Two Parts

Content Type