Special help in book selection may extend over a period of several
days in the library to analyze the book needs of the community and
confer with patrons about them. Or, book selection guidance may be
found in the selected and annotated list of recommended current books
published by the commission in its Bulletin each month.
  Trained help is available to the librarian on call in planning dem-
onstrations or a long-range program, or for any phase of the man-
agement and conduct of the library. This may be in the more technical
fields of cataloging and classification, in the selection, ordering and
preparation of books, in arrangement and use of pamphlets and

  Traveling libraries are sent out to 1,200 stations in rural Wisconsin.

other ephemeral material, in registration and circulation procedure,
in the development and use of reference material, in preparation of
reports and publicity. Again assistance is given in the planning and
conduct of an annual meeting for county librarians, and district
meetings in various parts of the state, of which eight are now held
every spring.
  Another chief phase of the commission's work and one of its first
duties is book supply through the Traveling Library and Study Club
Department. Here is a collection of some 125,000 volumes, and special
needs may often be met by loans from the University library or
other state collections. Part of this book stock is in box collections-
the "traveling libraries" still needed for rural communities, until
state aid may make possible the organization of county or regional
systems for them. These traveling libraries are sent to any com-
munity without a local library where responsible sponsorship will
provide care and distribution of the books. The only cost is for trans-