                       Moratorium Legislation
  To insure the farmer possession of his farm, the worker possession
of his home, and the small business man possession of his property,
we urge further strengthening of existing state moratorium legisla-
tion. We praise the action of Progressives in the special session when
they brought HOLC and Federal Land Bank loans under the state
moratorium law, thereby enabling many workers and farmers to re-
main in continued possession of their property.

  We believe that the farmer in this country is the victim of a vicious
monopoly system which charges him high prices for the things he
buys, reaps large profit on the things he sells, and undermines his
market with unemployment.
  A decent solution of the farm  problem  requires a program  of
increased production in industry and an equitable distribution of
the industrial product. An adequate public investment in an employ-
ment on essential works, the income and inheritance tax and such
other measures as are outlined in this platform or as may be neces-
sary to provide full employment, capacity production, equitable dis-
tribution are the sound solution of the farmers' problem. We stand
for such a program.


                        Civil Rights of Labor
  Progressives favor the right of labor to organize and to bargain
collectively through representatives of its own choosing. Progressives
condemn autocratic and arrogant employers who have refused to rec-
ognize state and federal laws dealing with this subject. This anarchy
on the part of the employer, if continued, is bound to breed violence.
  The Wisconsin Labor Relations Act, after several defeats at the
hands of reactionary Republican and Democratic legislators, became
law at the last regular session of the legislature. This Act outlawed
fake unions organized by employers (company unions) and estab-
lished for labor certain civil rights including the right to join unions
of its own choosing without discrimination. It set up an agency to
enforce these rights and minimize industrial friction. This great
achievement for labor and the public is under attack by reactionaries
and we pledge our best efforts to defend it.

Construction Program to Relieve Unemployment and Raise Standards
   We believe the federal government with the aid of the states should
launch a far more vigorous housing, health, and electrification pro-
gram. Such a program'can be made to pay for itself, provide oppor-
tunity, and produce vast quantities of the essentials of modern living.