SPARTAN MEDIUM                 with HEAVY
O6 Point (6 at452)                                            Lower case alphabet, 90 points. Figures, .0484
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-makers in the art of printing r 1234
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-makers in the art of printing r 1234
8 Point (8A558)                                                Lower case alphabet, 98 points. Figures, .0553
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-makers in the art of p 1234
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-makers in the art of p 1234
9 Point (9A224) 8 Point Alignment                              Lower case alphabet, 116 points. Figures, .0692
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-ma 1234
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do the pace-ma 1234
10 Point (10A512)                                             Lower case alphabet, 130 points. Figures, .0761
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do 1234
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design? Why do 1234
12 Point (12A518)                                             Lower case alphabet, 151 points. Figures, .0899
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design 1234
HOW IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esthetic design 1234
14 Point (14A284)                                             Lower case alphabet, 168 points. Figures, .0968
HOW     IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esth 1234
HOW     IS ONE to assess and evaluate a type face in terms of its esth 1234
18 Point Spartan Heavy with Medium (18A104)                    Lower case alphabet, 220 points. Figures, .1107
HOW IS one to assess and evaluate a type face in te 12
HOW IS one to assess and evaluate a type face in te 12
Also available in one-letter matrices as Spartan Heavy (18A433), and as Spartan Medium (186435)
24 Point Spartan Heavy with Medium (24A104)     Lower case alphabet, 274 points. Figure 1, .1107 or .166; 2 to 0, .166
HOW IS one to assess and evaluate a typ 12
HOW IS one to assess and evaluate a typ 12
Also available in one-letter matrices as Spartan Heavy (24A397), and as Spartan Medium (24A399)
(6 TO 14 POINT)
12345        abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                 67890
12345       abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz                  67890
,: -1?1- 1-A    CEawoe           ..    ()*ttĀ§ []@           lb%flflffffiffl
1/4 3  1/2     /4 3,   /3  ,  5 1/5  3/5/4
a    a
Made in all sizes and supplied on special order