Bloomingdale, those who still favored Kero, and the young men who in- 
sisted on a short name.   It appears quite a logical surmise. 
     Many trivial incidents connected with Omro, its people, and its 
developments are included in this writing, not because of their his., 
torical value, but rather as an insight into the evervda lives of 
our earl  attle!.     These incidents are to serve as t stepping 
stone'taken during the years from the first permanent settlement to 
our present mode of life in the city of Omro.    Some phases that may 
be dull for some may possibly be of interest to others. 
     Many names of people and families that are mentioned on these 
pages have descendants still living in the area. They may recognize 
them and will have the opportunity to mull over the accomplishments 
and trials of their forefathers. 
     Now with a better understanding of Omro Township history, next 
will come the growth of the Village.