Tricks were played on others besides Indians in the village. 
     Many years later, probably in the late 1890s m0tro had what were called

     "bullies". They were young men who took delight in bedeviling
     more weaker of mankind. 
          These 3 or 4 hoodlum characters in particular chose as one 
     victim for their pranks a man whom we shall call "t(orgie".
     small in stature and rather timid in nature perhaps, he at this par,

     ticular time was the "goat". 
          The bullies grabbed Goorgie as he was nearing a certain meat 
     market on the south side of the Wilson or Putnam block. They walked

     him back of the market where there was a fountain, and blind-folded

     him. They (not meaning it of course) threatened to "cut his throat"t

     One dribbled water on him to feel like blood and another sawed back

     and forth on his throat with a piece of stick. 
          Poor Georgie was so frightened that he passed out completely. 
     He was in that unconscious state for so long that the boys became 
     very frightened.  Georgie finally did regain consciousness, and found

     that they had not murdered him after all. 
          One of the same bullies at another time climbed on top of 
     Mahars meat market roof with a pail of water. He waited until a 
     victim came along walking on the sidewalk below hirm. We shall call

     this one Asie; the bully dumped the pail of water down on the un- 
     suspecting victim. 
          So every generation has its   share of meanies. Now back to 
     the earlier days again. 
                                   MORE BUILDING 
          In 1850 there was reportedly quite an increase in population. 
     That was the year Col. Tuttle built the float bridge across the river

     to where later Thompson & Hayward's carriage works were located.
J   population increase warranted the building of 3 hotels, the Larrabee

     House now Hotel 0mro, and the old Exchange Hotel. The Exchange was 
     l&cated where the Masonic Hall is nowy ...n M... iadison Ave. and
E .?M-ain. 
     then called Exchange and Water streets. The Goodwin House was built

     later on lot 97 and 98 in the Western Division in ...the.. block east
     the old Opera House. In later years Minnie Goodwin lived there. 
     Also at this time, a new public school building was constructed.