Dr. I.H. Sheerar, D.D.S.--Office in the old P.O. building, second 
     floor. Also at another time his office was east of the Masonic 
Dr. Hulbert, M.D.--Health officer of Omro in 1902 at least. 
Dr. Frank Brockway in 1397--Located at corner of Prospect and Ex- 
     change streets. 
Dr. Jasper Lockhart, M.D.--Practised several years around 1911 before 
     moving to Oshkosh where he continued for many years until his 
Dr. Frank Russell, M.D.--Practised medecine in Omro at the same time 
     as did Dr. Lockhart.   His office and residencewas at 131 Madison 
     street. He also fitted glasses.     In 1912 he built a house at 
'u ne s outfl1e        o iU vi. L  z L'uuuV m#J uQ 4e  7.0 
   G.A. Russell, brother of the Doctor was a plant chemist 
the Deoartment of Agricultmue in Washington, D.C.    He leas( 
the Kellogg farm for the culture of medicinal plants, one I 
          Wormwood.  The farm was at the corner of E. Scott and S. Harrison.

     Later Doctors were: 
     Dr. Frank D. Fleury, M.D. He was one of Omro's Spanish-American 
          War Veterans.  He was born October of 1876 in Kansas.    He entered

          the Spanish-American War by enlisting after graduation from 
          High School and serving 3 years in the Philippine Islands. 
          Fleur-y then studied to become a Doctor, the 8th member of his

          family to take up medicine. o                      A. , 
             Dr. Fleury came to Oaro in 1915. He married Mrs. Grace~K4x4c,

          Stearns inn1911.   He practised in Ornro for 21 years until his

          death in June of 1936.k~&~L~2/J/ 
            only "old-timers" will understand the following: Dr.
          Fleury was village Health Officer and this notice appeared in 
          the local paper during 1930--ttNotice is hereby given to all 
     property owners and tenants: tall outhouses located in 
          the Village of Omro must be cleaned.    Failure on the part of

          anyone neglecting to have outhouse cleaned, the same will be 
          cleaned and charged to the taxes.     By order of theBoard of 
     Dr. Mason, M.D.                                                    
     )Dr. Jamil T. LaHamn in the 1930s. Office over Universal Store.$11ii

     Dr. Fred Purdy, I,,I.D. Later moved to Winneconne. 
--Dr. J.... Stephenson in the late 1930s.       Left Omro June of 1930ý.@
 . f " 
     Dr, K. W. Davis, M.D. Office in former Dr. Fleury location on S. 
          Webster. He left in 1939. 
     Dr. Quincy Danforth, Mu.D., with office first over the Drug store, 
           then in the Central House, residence and office.   Later at 131

           MNiadisonstreet until moving to Oshkosh and practising there 
           until his death. He was a native son of Omtro. 
     Dr. J.K. Espelding came in 1939.    Office next to Stearns Drug Store.

          He then livedin Pearl,/, Rosenthal house. He soon moved to 230

          S. W~ebster.(w 
     F. Herbert was the first Chiropractor in Omro about 1935.    His office

           was next door to Chase Jewelry Store. 
     Dr. Frank Kimple was another Chiropractor who had his office in his

           home at 225 E. Mlain. This was during the 1930s. 
     Rev. O.P. Lovik was also a trained Chiropractor; while Pastor of the

           First Baptist church he did little practising here.   Later, 
           moving to Winneconne he opened an office in his home.