   °¥ q*   Hattie's home was in the house next east of the home of
      Marble on Pleasant Street, now E. Larrabee. Neighbors were alert 
      and called on her frequently to offer a helping hand if necessary.

      One day she became confused as to whether a spool of thread was 
      white or black for' some mending that she was to   do.  She had to

      ask a neighbor who called on her which spool was which.    HattieZf,-i.Ii

      Bunker was in her severiIt4 when she died, December 2, 1943.    She

      was born Hattie Young, parents were the Peter Youngs of Oraro. 
      hehe w.as married to Frank Bunker about 1887. 
      D. and E. Hanson. 
              Dodson and Emia Danforth Hanson bought Hattie Bunkerts home.

 ,.   Dodson was sexton of the Cmro Cemetery for many years. Earle Tice 
      then served as Cemetery caretaker until about 1969. 
      Leon Hoover. 
            Some may remember Leon (Doe) Hoover as an official at the 
   )~<' winnebago County Fair race tracks, *e started the sulky races.

      If advantage had been taken by any driver he would bang on the 
      bell that hung in his high booth and they would have to start 
      over.   Occasionally they were forced to start several times before

      he was satisfied to shout "Go l through his megaphone. 
            Leon's father was a Doctor of Veterinary in Onro, therefore 
       the reason Leon acquired his nickname of "Doc." Leon was
       of the village at one time.   Later he was janitor at the local 
       school.  In 1932 he painted automobiles.(L.  f   2/5i 
            An interesting story related by Archie Daggett deals with the

     ,i!(time when a certain individual served as Village Miarshall. It was

   Y during the horse and buggy era. A man at one time was driving his 
..VJ   horse and buggy at a rapid clip right down the main street.    The

       Marshall stopped the fellbw and cautioned. him about speeding in the

       village. He also warned him rot to do it again.     Shortly afterwards

       the same horse and carriage ani. driver were again racing down the

       main street lickety-split.--The Marshall promptly drew his gun-- 
       and shot the man--right in the arml Some say it was the horse he 
       shot--take your choice. 
            Besides Hoover there   were other lo~cal horse racing enthusiasts,

       especially G(_us_ W,1itt ,.and in.m. "Padrdes' LHeffron. Yot
only did they 
     1."ylace summers b ut winters as well. Viinter racing took place
on the 
     i river, starting near the west end of the park then on east to a turn

  ^    beyond what was known as the Edick house and back again. The wheels

       Soathey would opass the hat" amongUthe large cr     thate alwayst

       gathered to watch the event° These races were a winter feature

       during 1912 to 1916 or so. 
            For years Win. Heffron was interested in horse racing.   On a

     . number of occasions he served as race starter at the Winnebago 
       County Fair.