          Invalids and The Aged.   Growth and Protection of Infants and 
          Children.   Sold by Druggists. 
     Mason & Hamlin Organ, has won Highest Honors at all important 
          World's Fairs, since that of Paris 1867 including Chicago, 
          1893 and is absolutely Unrivaled. Mason & Hamlin Organ &

          Piano Co. Boston, N.Y., Chicago, Kansas City. 
     St. Jacobs Oil for Sprains & Neuralgia.   Positive Cure. 
     The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. -I.75 a Year.    Comes Every 
          Week.  For all the Family.   Illustrated.  Popular Articles for

          1895--Queen Victoria as a Mother; What Can be Done for Consump-

          tives; Charles Dickens as His Children Knew Him; The Story of 
          My First Voyage.   (a Sea Story.); A Visit to Korean Cloisters;

          How Uncler 5 a iCollects the Tariff. 
                               OTHER I!,KDUSTiIL.S 
          Continuing with Omro industr-v 
     The Robert Chatterton Cigar Factory of the early 1900s was east 
if        of Mahar eat Market on E. Water -t.   It burned doywn in hLayi2'

          of 19-14. $s                               W     '. i3o-j3c 
     .1904---Albert H. Austria starte;. a small feed-grinding establishment

          Sn the south half of a building where the new City-Hall1now 
          stands. About 1903 the feed m.ill on H. Main across from the 
          o16 City Hall and owned by Otto H. Prehn burned down. The fire

          did rauch daraoe t, o the City Hall. 11 Mr. Austria purchasedi

          East side schoolhouse and moved it onto the foundation of 
          Prehnts former feed mill, built on an addition to the east, 
          andAl Austria went into the business of grinding feed and 
         flour. Hýe was in business over 40 years in 0Mro.   Mr. Austria

          wasborn inOkfe        i.He died in August of 19471. 
          After  r . Austria became ill, Carl Frederickson carried on   
          until it wassold to Geo. Daggzett & Son in 1943 
/*x v 191_---A newspaper item mentioned the A.J. (Andrewi) Goggins Bottling

          fWorks. No doubt it was in connection with his saloon. 
     1920s--Bruce Carter and Geo. Turner operated a machine shop where 
          the Friendly Tavern is located. They were in business for 
          several years until 1930. 
     1915--F. Butkiewicz--A metal-working shop of long standing is that 
          of F. Butkiewicz & Sons Co. at 331 E. Main.   This establish-

          ment has the distinction of being in the manufactoring business

       the longest numb.er of years of any in Omro, under the same 
          name, and under the management of members of the same family. 
          Sons of the founder, Stanley, George and Robert are presently 
          carrying on the business. 
             On this same site was the former Geo. M#cKenzie Machine shop.

          Felix Butkiewicz started in business in 1915 after purchasing 
               thebuidin frm  cKenzie.  An ad in a 1922 newspaper read- 
          "F. Butkiewicz Garage--Battery charging and Automobile Repairs."

          However, mbtal machine work was the main occupatin0no 
             An addition to the shop was built in 1955 which doubled the

          shop's capacity. Another addition in 1965 almost doubled it 
   " ......The shop, a custom production machine work shop, accomodates

          mostly within a 50 mile radius, altho reaching farther afield.

A third generation of the Butkiewicz family works at the shop 
besides other employees, in 1975 they numbered 13.