   became nearly exhausted many times from his duties of treating the 
   sick and dying. County Nurse, Mliss Dorothy Erdmann, visited and 
   cared for families who were all or nearly all down with the sickness.

   All schools and places of entertainment were closed. All organizat- 
   ional meetings and church services were cancelled for the duration 
   of the epidemic. 
        In September of 1931 an Infantile Paralysis scare closed 
   schools, churches, and meetings.   One case in the school was 
   diagnosed as the disease. Dr. Fleury was health officer at the 
                             HOME REMED IES 
        Many families called a Doctor as a last resort.    First they 
   would try a home remedy; or perhaps several.    If none helped, 
   then they called in a doctor.   Some home remedies were: 
   Bruised plantain leaves to prevent infection of wounds. 
   Mashed mallow discs to draw a boil to a head or to draw a Sliver out.

   Bonset tea for gas on the stomach. 
   For sore or festered eyes, bathe with liquid of dried willow bark 
         steamed in water. 
   Diptheria: Burn 2 tablespoons of liquid tar and 2 tablespoons of 
         turpentine. The black smoke relieves the d iffucult breathing. 
   Flour and waterfor diahrrea. 
   Bleeding from cattle dehorning--bind on puffballs. 
   Nose bleed:   Snuff finely powdered alum up nose plentifully.   Or 
         wear a red yarn tied around the neck to lessen the attacks. 
         Place a wad of paper under the upper lip. 
    Colds: The best home remedy for breaking up a cold and take it 
         when -you first notice s-mptoms of a cold is to put 3 drops of 
         spirit of camphor in a t-ablespoon of cold water.  Repeat the 
         dose every hour or oftener till you are relieved.    Or, some 
         wore woolen chest protectors, and some wore discs of asafetida,

         both to ward off colds. 
-li\, Ringworm was cured by kerosene, almost in no time after being used.

    -For poison ivy, Doc Lambrecht, the veterinariants cure was to rub 
         on buttermilk, let it dry on so the air did not reach the itch-

         ing area. 
    Sulphur and molasses in the spring to thin the blood! 
    If you get a s ideache while walking, spit under a stone to cure it'*

    Skin rash:  Soak in the following - hour each day; in bathtub of 
         warm water, place 1 pkg. of starch and 1 pkg. of baking soda. 
         Soak in this, 1  hour each day. 
    High bldod pressure: garlic either raw, salt, or tablets. 
    Consumiption, blood vessels, and blood:  Dried young and old mullein,

         steeped strongly and sweetened w~ith coffee sugar and drink freely.

    T~st for drinking water: Fill a pint bottle 3/4 full of water. 
         Dissolve in it -½ teaspoon of the best white sugar. Set it
         in a warm place for 48 hours.* If the water becomes cloudy it 
         is unfit to drink. 
    Flesh worms:   1 yeast cake, 1 teaspoon flour and 2 teaspoons sugar in

          2/3 cup of water. Let stand 3 hours or over night.    Then take

          , w1    and wet the skin with your hand on the breast_ and. across.

the back and shoulders.   On top of the arms, on the forehead ana 
in front. of the ears. Keep the oreparation warm and rub hard, not 
up and down, but around. After awhile the worms will appear and 
come part way out but keep on ru'bbing and they will come a 11 the 
way out. Repeat in 2 days.