                      ORGANIZATIONS OF 1894. 
     Omro inhabitants were "joiners" by all accounts, and they
 are' Todays newer organizations, however, have rianged in aims and 
 purposes from the old standbys. 
     Herewith are Societies and Organizations of 0mro in 1894 as 
 noted in an issue of the  Omro Herald.   Some of the names of the 
 officers may be familiar to some now or may even be their forefathers: 
 Otnro Masonic Lodge, No. 168, A.F. and  A.M.; J.T. Orchard, W.M.; 
     E.G.Jo es.Sec. - 2nd and 4th Mondays. 
 Winnebago ...... Chapter, No. 43. R.A.M. Regular communications 1st and
     Mondays. E.C. Jones, H.P; V.W. Race, Sec. 
 Palm Chapter, No. 43, Order Eastern Star; Catherine Waite, W.7 *i; 
     Jsethergr, See. 
 Omro Lodge, No. 125, 1.0.O.F., J. Shelp, N.G; .S Carver, Rec. See. 
 Calista Rebekah Lodge, No. 14, Daughters of Rebekah. Nancy Cady, N.G; 
     Nora Barnes, Sec. 
 Knights of Honor, No. 1355, Babcock, Dictator, ,Yo.G. Bradt, Financial'

ýJoriF.Sawyer Post 7, G.A.R.; yrus Barnes, Commander; C.B. Cope, Adjt.Q

J.F.Sawyer,, No. 94, V.R. C ; Fanny A. McAllister, Pres.; Helen Sawyer 
     Sec.  (Womans Relief Corps #94, the Auxilliary, organized in l8&.)
 Omro Lodge No. 48,I.O.G.T.: Frank 9     1cAllister, C.T.; Ella Ramsey, /
     Recording Sec.  (Independant Order of Good Templars. 
 Hope Juvenile Temple, No. 30; Meet every Vled. P.C1. 4:15 in Good 
     Templar's Hall.  Mrs. C.T. Everett, Supt. 
 Modern Woodman, Camp No. 1376; meet in Good Templars Hall. W.H. 
     e       Counsel; Ce o. E. Morton, Camp Clerk. 
 Omro Business Men'.s Association; meets 1st Thur. evening of each month;

        at 8:30 in summer, 8:00 in winter.   J.T. Orchard, Sec.; 
     Frank Tucker, Pres. 
 Omro Fire and Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1--Meets 2nd and 4th Fri.even- 
     ing each month in rooms over post office.    .4U. Day, Foreman; 
     C.A. Peterson. Engineer. 
 Omr6 ]Board of Education--Monroe Phillips, director; J.T. Orchard, 
     Clerk; F.T. Tucker, Treas. Teachers--E.E. Shelton, A.B., princi- 
     pal; Miss Grace Athearn, assistant; Edgar Hall, grammar; Minnie 
     B. Treleven  intermediate; Ada.. Morrison, South Primary; Mildred 
     Taylor, East primary; Anna lurley," NorthN primary. 
 W.C.T.U. meets every alterna-e   iTday P.M. at 2:30. MissJe~ssle 
     Wicholsen, Pres.; ,1   Phioebe e Guerin, Cor. Sec.; Mrs. Milo 
     Bushnell, Treas.; Mrs. H.E. Robinson, Rec. Sec.   (Womenhs 
     Christian Temperance Union) 
 R.N.A. (Royal Neighbors of America) Selver Leaf Camp #1412. Aux- 
     iliary of Modern Vioodmen )..i//z.