January. 1932           WISCONSIN BEEKEEPING                         Page
this subject was to be found in the 
November issue of "Wisconsin Bee- 
   One of the most interesting talks on 
the program was presented by Mr. A. 
E. Wolkow, of Hartford, Wisconsin. 
Mr. Wolkow, after a great deal of 
work and experimentation, has suc- 
ceded in perfecting a new method of 
wiring frames. Mr. Wolkow has con- 
sented to write an article for "Wis- 
consin  Beekeeping", describing   this 
   Mr. Joseph M. Barr, then discussed 
the matter of County Honey Exhibits 
at the State Fair and expressed- the 
opinion that a small committee of the 
Association members should be ap- 
pointed to receive criticisms and sug- 
gestions for the improvement of pres- 
ent conditions.   It was Mr. Barr's 
opinion   that the  State Association 
should take charge of the county ex- 
hibits, but no member of the Asso- 
ciation exhibiting at the State Fair 
should be allowed to serve on this 
committee. Mr. Barr further expres- 
sed his belief that a number of changes 
needed to be made, but that they 
should be slowly and carefully ar- 
ranged so that the county exhibits .at 
the State Fair would become an act- 
ual part of the work of the State 
    Mr. James Gwin, Superintendent 
 of the Bee and Honey Exhibits at the 
 State Fair, expressed a desire for the 
 opinions of the members present on 
 this matter.  In this connection, he 
 said, "I want to assure Mr. Barr and 
 the State Beekeepers' Association that 
 I am not going to make any radical 
 -changes in this matter, because there 
 is too much room for it. I propose 
 to go at the change slowly. I know 
 that those county exhibits the past 
 year were not all germane and legal, 
 but rather than to disrupt the thing, 
 we let them slide through,. I have ap- 
 pealed to the State Association, and 
 asked members to work through the 
State Asso.a#ion.    Let's have real 
county exhibits, so that we can have 
a fair representation at the Fair. There 
needs to be several changes in the 
.wording of premiums.    Some of the 
regulations really contradict each other, 
and I don't want to go ahead and 
make all the changes on my own in- 
itiative. I want to make some changes 
at the request of the exhibitors and 
the State Association. I have two sets 
of people with different ideas to con- 
tend with, and I hope you will bear 
with me in this matter, for I am sure 
that within the course of two or three 
years, we are going to have the prem- 
ium list arranged so that we will know 
where we are going. I appreciate hav- 
ing Mr. Barr enter this criticism". 
   Mr. Barr then made the following 
 motion,   which   was   seconded-"I 
 move that Mr. Seefeldt appoint a com- 
 mittee of three, this committee to make 
 recommendations to the next annual 
 meeting for the improvement of the 
 county exhibits at the State Fair." 
 This motion was lost, but on a mo- 
 tion to reconsider it, was passed. 
    The meeting adjourned    at 4:30, 
 with an attendance during the after- 
 noon of 70. 
    A meeting of the Board of Man- 
 agers was called at 4:45 P.M.    The 
 nine delegates who attended Wednes- 
 day   evening's session were present, 
 with Mr. Wilson and Miss Weiden- 
 kopf. There being no further business 
 for the Board of Managers to transact, 
 the Secretary was excused, and the 
 Board of Managers acted as the Nom- 
 inating Comrmittee, with Mr. Win. 
 Sass as Chairman of the Committee 
 and Miss Weidenkopf as Secretary. A 
 report of this committee will be in- 
 cluded in the minutes of the regular 
 business session on Friday. 
    This year's banquet was as fine as 
  any that we have ever had, although 
  the attendance was quite small. Three 
  of our largest continents were brought 
January. 1932