Wisconsin Beekeeping 
Vol. VIII                  FEBRUARY, 1932                              No.
                             H. F. WILSON, Editor 
                         Published the First of Each Month 
Entered as second class matter January 1, 1928 at the Post Office at Madison,
Wisconsin, under 
                             the act of March 3, 1879. 
           Address all communications to 1532 University Ave., Madison, Wisconsin.

                    Advertising rates given on application to Editor. 
President ...................................................  ...............
A.  H.  Seefeldt,  Kewaskum 
Vice-President ................................................................
Geo. Jacobson, Kaukauna 
Treasurer ....................................................................
V. G. Howard, Milwaukee 
Secretary ...........            ...........................................H.
F. Wilson, Madison 
Assistant Secretary .......................................................
Arlene Weidenkopf, Madison 
                            EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 
A. L. K leeber .................................................................................
R eedsburg 
Vincent Steck .................................................................................M
A. E. W olkow  ..................................................................................
H artford 
          Annual membership fee, $1.00, which includes one year's subscription
                              "Wisconsin Beekeeping" 
                      Please make remittance payable to Secretary 
  The    annual convention    of the 
American Honey Producers' League 
was held at Columbus, Ohio, January 
26-28, and according to reports was 
the most successful meeting which has 
been held in many years. The attend- 
ance was unusually large, and the 
American Honey     Producers' League 
and the American Honey Institute have 
never been in as commanding a posi- 
tion as they are today. 
   The membership fee of the League 
has been set at $1.00 for the individ- 
ual. The publishing of "The Amer- 
ican   Honey   Producer"    has  been 
discontinued. The policy of affilia- 
tion of State Associations is to be 
continued, and it is hoped that the 
affiliation fees will defray the running 
expenses of the League, and that the 
membership dues may be turned over 
to the American Honey Institute, to 
aid in the support of that organiza- 
tion. It was decided that an Annual 
Report is to be published, and a report 
of the convention will be issued in 
about two months. 
   Mr. James Gwin of Madison, and 
Prof. V. G. Milum, of the University 
of Illinois, were re-elected President 
and Secretary of the League, respect- 
ively. Mr. Morley Pettit was elected 
Vice President, and Mr. H. C. Short 
succeeded D. D. Stover as Director. 
The other directors, C. A. Reese, Co- 
lumbus,   Ohio,   T.   W.   Burleson, 
Waxahachie, Texas,     W. A. Weir, 
Toronto, Canada, and H. D. Rauch- 
fuss, Worland, Wyoming, were re- 
   Our good friend, Mr. C. P. Dadant, 
was elected to honorary life member- 
ship in the American     Honey   Pro- 
ducers' League. 
            A. H. Seefeldt 
      Dec. 3, 1931, Milwaukee, Wis. 
   The year 1931 will long be re- 
membered by the beekeepers of Wis- 
consin as the year of a world wide de- 
pression.   The beekeeper personally 
was not alone in being affected by the