April, 1932              WISCONSIN BEEKEEPING                          Page
      Thursday evening, December 3, 
      be it resolved that the Association 
      express its appreciation to Mr. 
      Joseph M. Barr, his son, Jim, 
      and  wife, and   to  Miss Rose 
      Deutsch, for the very excellent 
      musical program rendered during 
      the banquet. 
14) It is believed   that one of the 
     most important subjects to be 
     studied in- connection with the 
     beekeeping   industry  relates to 
     honey, and therefore be it re- 
     solved that the Wisconsin State 
     Beekeepers' Association   go   on 
     record as favoring the work of 
     the United States Bee Culture 
     Laboratory, and that the Asso- 
     ciation go on record as favor- 
     ing a more centralized program 
     of educational and research work, 
     whereby the Bee Culture Labora- 
     tory can help in the direction of 
     those on the Depratment of Ag- 
     riculture Staff who are conduct- 
     ing Bee Culture work in the De- 
     partment of Agriculture at Wash- 
     ington; and, 
     Be it further resolved that a copy 
     of this resolution be sent to the 
     Secretary of Agriculture and to 
     the Director of Research of the 
     U. S. Department of Agriculture. 
1.5) Be it resolved that the Wiscon- 
     sin State Beekeepers' Association 
     go on record as expressing its ap- 
     preciation to C. L. Christensen, 
     Dean of the College of Agricul- 
     ture, and K. L. Hatch, Director 
     of Extension, for their kind and 
     sympathetic attitude toward the 
     beekeeping industry of Wiscon- 
     sin and the Wisconsin-State Bee- 
     keepers' Association. 
     Be it also resolved that the Asso- 
     ciation pledge its help in con- 
     tinuing  the education   and  re- 
     search program  developed by the 
     College of Agriculture. 
16) In apprecdation of their fine ef- 
     forts in the eradication and con- 
      trol of bee disease in Wisconsin, 
      be it resolved that the Wiscon- 
      sin State Beekeepers' Association 
      express a vote of thanks to Mr. 
      E. L. Chambers, State Entomol- 
      ogist, and Mr. C. D. Adams, 
      Chief Apiary Inspector; 
      And be it also resolved that a 
      vote of thanks be sent to Mr. A. 
      W. Pomerening and Mr. C. D. 
      Adams, for their efforts in con- 
      nection with honey grading in 
 17) Be it resolved that the Wiscon- 
      sin State Beekeepers' Association 
      express a vote of appreciation to 
      Mr. James Gwin for his efforts 
      and assistance in furthering the 
      marketing of Wisconsin honey. 
 18) Be it resolved that the Wiscon- 
      sin State Beekeepers' Association 
      express to Mr. A. H. Seefeldt, as 
      President, a vote of thanks for 
      his efforts in behalf of the Asso- 
      ciation, and that we extend to 
      him our best wishes. 
 19) Be it resolved that The Wiscon- 
     sin State Beekeepers' Association 
     express to H. F. Wilson and E. 
     C. Alfonsus a vote of apprecia- 
     tion for the interest they have 
     shown in the development of bee- 
     keeping    work   in   Wisconsin, 
     along the lines of research and 
20) Be it resolved that the Wiscon- 
     sin State Beekeepers' Association 
     express to Messrs. Hill, Renk and 
     Beck, of the Commission of Ag- 
     riculture and Markets, a vote of' 
     appreciation for their support of 
     the beekeeping industry, and that 
     the Association pledge its help in 
     maintaining the high standards 
     of bee    disease control, honey 
     grading and cooperative market- 
     ing established by the Commis- 
     sion through these men. 
The meeting adjourned at 3-: 30 P.M. 
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