778                       HAWAIIAN    ISLANDS. 
The Wilcox cabinet was appointed November 8, but it was not until about 
Christmas time that rumors commenced to circulate in town, that the relations

existing between the Queen and her cabinet were not as smooth as they might
She had attempted to dictate to them, an interference which they resented,
and the 
first rumors were that she wanted to get rid of her cabinet on the pretense
they were under the influence of the American and Annexation party, fearing
if they remained in power after the prorogation of the Legislature she would
sure to lose her throne. These fancies were found to have been instilled
into her 
mind by the opium and spoils ring which had been making such a fight for
ence during the term of th13 legislative session. The leaders of this ring
clever enough to perceive that their influence with the Queen lay in using
the mar- 
shal as a cloak for their designs, and, making friends with him, they held
the key 
to the situation. But they still lacked strength, and cast about for means
to carry 
out their designs. Some self seekers joined their ranks, and the Queen now
menced to take an active part in affairs, and her'minions, notably Captain
of her guard, were in constant communication with the native members of the

The Queen's legal advisers were in constant consultation with her, and engaged

in the preparation of a new constitution. At the same time the lottery bill
revived and used as a lever, and promises of money payments for the passage
of the 
first, second, and third reading of appointments as agents in the several
districts and 
of blocks of stock soon brought a change over the native members. The Queen
now engaged in making personal appeals to these members, cases being reported
her fortifying her entreaties with tears. She sent for prominent white members

whom she thought she could influence and asked outright for their support
her ministers. Expostulations were in vain, and she showed her determination
brook no delay; still not much fear as to the stability of the cabinet was
felt, as 
without C. 0. Berger's vote she could not secure the necessary 25. It was

clearly explained to Mr. Berger what her actions meant, and he was told who
constitute a new cabinet if she succeeded in getting the Wilcox one out,
and he 
promised not to lend his assistance to such schemes. He was advised to consult
father-in-law (Mr. Widemann), and it is a notable fact that after doing so
Mr. Ber- 
ger went to the Palace, and to the consternation of the ministerial supporters,

appeared in the House after swearing he would never go near it again during
the ses- 
sion. The 25 votes necessary to pass a resolution of want of confidence were
obtained, and on Thursday, January 12, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the
ministry was voted out of office. 
The downfall of the cabinet was received with universal disgust throughout
community, but when the following day the places of the ministers were supplied

by the Parker-Peterson-Colburn-Cornwell cabinet, the disgust was seasoned
indignation of the strongest kind. The universal feeling found, however,
peaceable expression, and none thought of anything but law-abiding acquiesence
the change, fraught with injury to the public interest though it was known
to be. 
Saturday, the 14th of January, 1893, dawned clear and beautiful, and no one

dreamed that it was to be one of the eventful days of Hawaiian history. The
rogation of the Legislature was to take place at noon, and the members opposed
the new cabinet, though they absented themselves from the ceremony, had no
of attempting anything against the ministry. It did not seem possible that
Queen, after having gained everything for which she had been striving, would

imperil her gains by violating the constitution. And yet she did. 
Saturday afternoon, between 1 and 2 o'clock, the community was startled by
information that a coup d'6tat was in progress, and that the Queen was endeavoring

to force her cabinet to sign a new constitution, which she then proposed
to promul- 
gate immediately to the people. The information was at first disbelieved
by some, 
but it was speedily confirmed. 
The political changes of the past few days, the renewed vote of want of confi-

dence, the secret attempt made by the Queen to secure the overthrow of her
ters, her secret interviews with Noble Dreier and others, the signing of
the opium 
and lottery bills, coupled with the rabid talk of certain native members
in the 
house, had produced a feeling of great unrest in the community. The remarks
Kamauoha in the house were felt by some to give a hint as to what was to
be looked 
for ii the future, and many shared these forebodings. On Saturday morning