. Mr. Brown?

. American. |

Mr. W. O. Smith?

. Hawaiian.

Mr. Waterhouse?

. Hawaiian.

Mr. Lansing?

. American.

Mr. Suhr?

. German.

Mr. Tiurston? ©

. Hawaiian. |

Mr. Emmeluth?

. American.

Mr. Castle?

. Hawaiian. |

Mr. McCandless?
American. a
Do they all vote here?
. Yes; they all vote here. a - Oo

This was a call, then, from Germans, Hawaiians,and American
citizens for troops, was it not? . 7 .
AY Yes. |

@. And they were landed to protect all classes?

A, Yes. a a

Q. Who drew up the application to the American minister?

A. Hither Mr. Thurston or Mr. Smith, = © © es

Q. In this paper you set out your reasons for your application?

A. Yes. a | a
A. With a requirement that each elector shall be able to read and
- write could you have stable government on these Islands?

A. What language? | — : |

@. Hither Hawaiian or English.

A. Weeould not. :

q. Tell me why. — | oc a

A. Because the Hiwaiians areindolent people. They do not want to
do any work to earn money. They prefer easy jobs, such as Govern-
ment offices of any kind—either as clerks in the Government house, as
judges, sheriffs, policemen, poundkeepers, or anything of that nature.
That gives them a living and also a sort of authority—a sort of power
of domineering over others—which they like immensely.. They know
- that they can get this power only by keeping together and getting a |
government of Hawaiians—whether they be brown-skinned or white-
skinned—I. mean with Hawaiian sentiment. They want to domineer —
over people who have some property. They let their horses go into the
sugar cane of others, let their cattle run on the pasture of others, and
various things of that sort. You cannot get justice when they are
brought into court. Hawaiian judges will let them go, or fine them
such a small amount that property holders do not care to go into. court.
You cannot get justice in jury cases with Hawaiian jurymen. They
never convict anybody on testimony. They judge by sentiment. == —

@. Do you think you could have and maintain an independent gov-
ernment here with the population you have without aid from outside
power? | - | | | |

A. I do not think so.

Q. Why?